Shadowborn Academy_ Year One (Dark Fae Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,26

morning, students. I’m Professor Lochlan. I hope you’ve brought your wits and courage with you today. You’ll certainly be needing them.”

My eyes hone in on the vial tied into his mane. His crystal is the same glistening blue as his eyes.

“He looks pretty fucking frightening,” Sage whispers in my ear.

I nod along with her. “Yeah. But he’s also kinda spectacular.”

“I just don’t wanna get on his bad side. I can’t swim,” she says, and I let out a quiet laugh. Neither of us has ever seen a centaur in real life before, let alone a kelpie, the most powerful of their species. I hate to admit it, but I’m actually excited to see what he has in store for us.

I have yet to be at the academy for more than two days and already it’s a relief to be out in the daylight. Snatches of morning light stream through the canopy of glistening leaves overhead as Professor Lochlan leads the way into the forest. A light gust of air breathes through the towering trees, knocking down the dead leaves and scattering them over the ground. The jagged briars and thorns reach out with spectral fingers that snag at some of the students’ cloaks. There’s a distinct eeriness nestling around us, but at the same time, I can’t help but find this part of the forest rather beautiful. Maybe it’s the fluttering of leaves and the exotic birdcalls carrying on the wind, or the way the sun glitters off morning dew, that makes the forest appear less frightening today. Whatever the reason, I’m in as much awe as the rest of my classmates.

Fortunately, Professor Lochlan isn’t inclined to read from the Book of Zorya. He’s more focused on the environment, explaining which of the plants are deadly and enquiring if we know any that can counteract its poison. Sage is quick to answer every question, much to Willow’s disgust, who throws a repellent look over her shoulder at every answer. You would think the Head Girl would be pleased to discover there’s a smart Shadowborn amongst her group. She seems more affronted by the revelation than anything. I have a feeling she and I are going to be butting heads quite soon if she keeps shooting daggers at my best friend. Sage has done nothing to upset the bitch. It’s not her fault she’s powerful. She was made like that by Professor Gale. And perhaps some private tutoring on my part.

“Buzzie, look!” Sage squeals, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the other side of the small clearing. “It’s the Statue of Aeon.”

“That is correct,” Professor Lochlan regards. “Well done, Miss Millhouse. This statue was constructed precisely seven moonrises after the Red Dawn. Some say it was the God of Life’s followers that created it. I believe Danica carved this stone with her own fae hands as a reminder to those who wish to bring ruin into the forest. Such ill intentions will never see the dawn of day.”

“What happened to the God of Life?” Ronan asks, taking the question straight from my mouth.

The professor drags some of the branches out of the way. I step onto my tiptoes and just manage to see a tranquil lake overshadowed by an enormous skull-shaped cave.

“He was imprisoned in the Howling Hollow.”

“Why do they call it that?” I ask, transfixed by the eerie beauty of the cave.

“When the moon rises over the Gorgon Lake, three howls can be heard from the depths of the cave, and when it sets, three more howls echo across the realm.”

“Neat,” Sage remarks, grinning at me.

“It is not neat or radical or awesome,” the professor snaps, swooshing his jet-black tail. “If the God of Life hadn’t been blinded by greed and envy, our almighty goddess, Selena, would still be alive. He has been rotting in that cave ever since, and rightly so. May his soul forever perish in the abyss of Tartarus.”

He lets go of the branches and they snap back into place, obstructing the cave from view.

I step back to admire the statue again. There is no denying this God was a beautiful one. Tall, chiselled, and handsome with short curly hair, he would’ve given every Greek Adonis out there a run for their money.

“Earth to Buzzie,” my best friend shouts, waving a hand in front of my eyes. “Jeez. I know he’s hot but do you really gotta drool like that?”

I mock glare at her. “Ha ha.” Turning around, I notice everyone apart from us and Ronan Copyright 2016 - 2024