Shadow Mate - Jen L. Grey Page 0,49

head and frowned.

"Friends get killed." His dad shoved Evan so hard his unprotected head banged into the cement wall. "So get out there and make me proud or else." His dad then turned on his heel and walked the opposite way.

When he disappeared, Evan moaned. "Dammit!" He grabbed at the back of his head.

The metallic scent of blood hung in the air. "Let me get you some cold water." The words slipped from my mouth before I could clamp it shut.

His body tensed, and his grey eyes found mine. "Of course, you're here and saw that."

Ignoring him I went back to the sink and turned it on the coldest it could get. Leaving it to run while I pulled out several paper towels. No wonder the heirs are all a hot, uncaring mess. The thought of being raised like that made my stomach roil. I worked as fast as I could and headed back out there. "Here, let me see."

"I'm fine." He jerked away from me, but I grabbed his arm and stared him straight in the eye.

"You hit your head hard. Let me check it." If he thought I was going to let him get away that easily, he was going to learn otherwise and fast.

"Fine." He huffed but turned so I could look at it.

"You're bleeding a little." It wasn't as bad as I had expected, so with him being a shifter, in a matter of hours, he'd be fine. I took the cold paper towel and wiped some of the blood away.

He winced. "So what's this going to cost me?"

‘'What do you mean? I'm no nurse so I don't charge by the hour." I gently dabbed it again and felt the knot that was forming.

"You know what I mean. What am I going to have to do in order for you to keep your trap shut about what you saw?" His eyes turned a dark metallic grey.

Of course, he thought I operated like he did. "Nothing."

"So you're going to make it a huge one." He shook his head. "The other guys aren't going to go for you and Liam being a thing, you know?"

Yes, all of them loved reminding me of that every second that they could. "Oh, I know." I gently patted his wound one more time before backing away. "But sometimes, kindness is stronger than bullying or fear." I turned to head back into the bathroom, but his voice stopped me in my tracks.

"There are no true acts of kindness." His voice was low, but not scary.

"Well, I guess you're about to learn otherwise." I didn't bother turning around and facing him. I wasn't quite sure what I would see, and my life was already complicated enough. "Be careful out there."

"I'm going to put my helmet on. Don't... worry." It was almost like he struggled to say those last words.

"I wasn't talking about the helmet." I walked into the bathroom and let the door slam behind me. I threw the towel in the trash and sighed. There was too much going on, and it was only the first Friday of the school session. There was no telling what else might happen before Monday.

Chapter Fourteen

As I stepped out of the bathroom again, Bree appeared from around the corner. "Are you okay? You've been gone for a while."

"Yeah, just a little off today." That was putting it mildly.

"Why don't we get the guys and maybe go grab some ice cream or something at the restaurant?" Bree linked her arm through mine and tugged me back toward Kai and Tripp.

"I hate to make you leave with your brother playing and all." It was easier to say brother than his name. I could at least try to pretend it was someone else.

"Nope. Honestly, I don't want to be here when the game is over. It's going to get nasty." She pointed at me. "Stay right here. I'll be right back. It's almost half-time anyway."

I wanted to argue, but she disappeared from sight. At least I was getting away from here. Liam would probably do better in the game because of it.

Footsteps pounded toward me as the football team charged down the hallway toward the locker room.

Before I could turn to head back into the bathroom, my eyes locked with Liam’s, and my stupid feet wouldn't move.

He pushed through the guys and sauntered up to me. Sweat dripped down his face as he removed his helmet and growled at me.

"Liam?" Simon's voice growled.

Yet, Liam didn't budge. "Why won't you get Copyright 2016 - 2024