Shadow Mate - Jen L. Grey Page 0,28

to grunt and glare?" He probably was the scariest one out of that whole group.

Bree snorted and began choking on her pancake.

"Whoa, are you okay?" I shot to my feet and ran to the refrigerator to grab her a bottle of water. I was back to her in seconds.

"Yeah." She coughed some more. "I'm... fine." She picked up the water, twisted the cap off, and downed some of it. "It's just normally, girls say he's mysterious and muscular. I wasn't expecting that."

"And what does Evan want?" Obviously, she wasn't okay with it now that she had met her fate.

"He's fine with it. I mean, I'm Liam's sister, so it's kind of convenient." She shrugged. "But he's not too worried about it either, because he's not ready to settle down if you know what I mean."

"Wow." That's all I could really say. "This is a totally different world than what I grew up in."

"It's crazy. I used to think that it was normal until I met Nate." She placed her fork on her now empty plate and pushed it away. "Then, I realized what my world is really like. Full of fake, opportunistic people who are only out for themselves. So when we met and you didn't seem to give a shit who I was and where I went to school, it was refreshing. I hope you don't hate me for bringing you here."

"No, I don't." Even though I hated that Liam was here, I did appreciate the opportunities that this school would provide for me. Besides after hanging out with Kai, Bree, and Tripp, I felt like I had a good friend-base already. You couldn't get much better than that. "I'm glad to be here."

"Well, good." She grinned. "After our bonding over your stinky clothes, I think we've got a good thing started."

"Did you and Kai not hang out before then?" I figured they had since they knew each other.

"Not really." She stood and grabbed her plate, putting it into the sink. "Kai’s Dad has kind of always wanted Kai to date me, and my dad is open to it too. Granted, he'd rather marry me off to Evan, but if I preferred Kai, he wouldn't be too upset. Though Kai has always kind of danced to a different drum. He avoids hanging out with my brother's crew, which I sort of always have been a part of until Nate."

I glanced at the clock and stood. "I’ve gotta get going." I had about twenty minutes now to walk across campus and get to class.

"Me too. I'm heading to the human building." She drank the rest of her water and threw the bottle in the garbage.

"The human building?"

"Yeah, the one with all the book studies. It's the same stuff the humans learn." She headed into her room and grabbed a backpack. Of course, it was silver. "Go get your stuff. Let's go."

"On it." I rushed into my room to get my bag, and it wasn't long before we were walking out of the dorm.

"So, what time do you get out?" She glanced over at me as the wind began to blow.

I had to run through my schedule in my head. I had all my human classes plus shifter history. Those three were all back to back with my endurance class on Tuesday and Thursday. “I’ll be done by noon as long as the classes don’t run over.”

"Okay, I'll see you at the restaurant then." She held up a finger before I could interject. "Liam will be at football practice by then, so there is no chance of him being there."

"Fine." I grabbed my bag and pulled my schedule out. "I’ve got to figure out where this room is."

"No worries, I'll help." She glanced at my schedule. "Oh, you've got Professor. Walker. That's going to be fun. You're on the second floor, room 205 so it's after you’ve climbed the stairs on the left." As we walked in through the front door, she pointed at the stairwells that were on both sides. "You'll want to take one of those. They lead to the same door, just two different ways to get there in case there's heavy traffic."

"Got it. Thanks." I turned and took the staircase on the right and hurried up the stairs. It was easy to find the room after Bree's help.

There were five minutes before class started, so I walked into the room and was surprised at how small it was. There were probably only ten desks split between the Copyright 2016 - 2024