Shadow Lake Vampire Society - Wendi Wilson Page 0,73

weeks, but the dean ordered me to stop. Unlike the campers, he did have a family. People who would search for him and bring the authorities to our door. He was too big a risk. The dean, himself, compelled Scott to forget his vision and all of his suspicions. The only thing he remembered about Camp Shadow Lake was the fulfillment it gave him to work there.”

“Is that why you killed him?” I spat, all the pieces falling together. “Because he remembered what you did to him?”

A dark laugh erupted from her pink lips as she stared at me with wild eyes. She shook her head, saying, “I didn’t kill him, stupid.”

“Then who did?” I demanded, all feeling of queasiness gone as anger flowed thickly through my veins once more.

“I’ll never tell,” she teased, giving me a sadistic smile. “It doesn’t matter anyway. By the time I’m done here tonight, you’ll be dead, and there will be no one left to ask questions.”

“Just kill her already, Sarah,” Chloe said in her subtle French accent. “I grow weary of this game.”

“The game is over when I say it’s over,” Sarah snapped back, her eyes shooting sparks at the chef.

True yelped as Chloe’s grip tightened in her hair. “Let go of me, you pretentious bitch,” she growled, her claws raking at Chloe’s arm in an attempt to free herself.

Chloe gave her head a hard shake and threw her to the floor. Her eyes widened with renewed fear as she struggled to scooch away from Micah’s headless body and the puddle of blood under her cheek. Chloe laughed, a deep, throaty sound that sent chills down my spine, before grabbing True’s hair and pulling her back to her knees.

My eyes drifted from her to Levi, still unmoving, to my mom. She was still bound and gagged in the chair, but something had changed. There was a wild and triumphant gleam in her eyes that disappeared so quickly, I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it. What was that about?

“Look at me, you stupid meat sack.” My eyes darted back to Sarah, who smiled with satisfaction. “I want to see the fear in your eyes when I tell you I’m about to drain the life out of you, drop by delicious drop.”

Before she even finished speaking, she pounced. Her body crashed against mine, knocking me onto my back. My hands landed on the wooden floor, feeling the grain of it beneath my fingertips. Sarah’s weight slammed on top of me, her hands pushing against my shoulders to hold me down.

Time slowed to a crawl as her face loomed over me. I had a feeling of déjà vu, a strange sense of familiarity hanging over me as my hands flew up in an attempt to defend myself.

Sarah opened her mouth, revealing elongated canines dripping with saliva. My heart stopped at the sight of them. A growl vibrated in her chest as her expression turned feral and one hand fisted in my hair to tilt my head back and expose my neck.

Time sped up as my heart thumped back to life. This was it. The wood floor. The weight pinning me to it. The pain that was sure to come.

This was what I’d seen in the vision. It was real, and I was about to die.

I bucked my hips and swiped my fingernails toward her face, but she was too fast. Too strong.

As her hot breath wafted against the delicate skin of my neck, I fell still. There was no point in fighting. I was as good as dead.

Sarah had won.

My eyes drifted to True, still trapped in Chloe’s iron grip. She watched me with fear-filled eyes that dripped tears down her beautiful face.

“I’m sorry,” I mouthed, and she shook her head vigorously as if to tell me this wasn’t all my fault.

A flare of pain in my neck made me scream as a rush of heat flashed from my throat all the way down to my toes. There was a slight tugging sensation as Sarah began to suck at the wound, and I squeezed my eyes closed against the feeling. Moans of pleasure rumbled from her as she drank my blood in long, painful pulls.

A scream of anger echoed around us as Sarah’s weight doubled on top of me, and I opened my eyes to see my mother’s fear-ravaged face over her shoulder. Sarah’s head jerked back, her teeth tearing my flesh as Mom jerked her by the hair in an attempt to pull her off Copyright 2016 - 2024