Shadow Lake Vampire Society - Wendi Wilson Page 0,68

could see the meaning in them. If Dean Purty went to The Society, it could be an hour or more before he got back with help. Meanwhile… Sarah had two of the most important people in my life.

“What about Sasha? Or Nurse Barbara?”

“They’re not here,” Micah said, shaking her head. “They made a run into town for supplies.”

“Take me,” I said.

“What? Piper, no,” True cut in. “It’s too dangerous.”

“True,” I said, gripping her hands in mine and locking gazes with her, “it’s my mom. I already lost my dad. I can’t lose her, too. I just can’t. You understand.”

Something in my voice must’ve convinced her because she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. When she reopened them, she met my stare and nodded.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

“You don’t have to come,” I said, my voice soft with gratitude that she’d even consider joining me on what could amount to a suicide mission.

“Yes, I do,” she said. “We may not have known each other long, Piper Williams, but you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. And best friends don’t let best friends face bitchy, kidnapping, possibly murderous vampires on their own.”

A laugh exploded through my lips unbidden, and True smiled in return. A grunt from Micah burst our little bestie-love bubble, and we turned to look at her.

“I hate to break up this… whatever it is, but time’s running out. If we’re going to do this, we need to do it now.”

We nodded, and she led the way, taking us through the camp and into the woods on the west side where Levi had taken me before. As we walked, I imagined him in all sorts of dire circumstances, which brought up some questions.

“How’s Sarah even restraining him?” I asked. “Aren’t vampires, like, super-strong and able to break out of anything?”

“She compelled him,” Micah replied.

“Wait. What? Vampires can compel other vampires?”

“The older ones can,” she said. “Levi has only been one of us for a little over two decades. Sarah is more than three-hundred years old.”

Panic seared through my chest, and I grabbed Micah’s arm to pull her to a stop.

“Why did he go? If she’s so much older and stronger, why did he go in alone? Why did you let him?”

“It’s not like I had a choice,” she shot back defensively. “Sarah calls all the shots and Lars does whatever the hell she tells him to, no questions asked.”

I nodded, knowing that was true. “And Levi?”

“I couldn’t stop him,” she said quietly. “Where you’re concerned, little human, nothing can stop Levi Kass.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Garlic? Are you kidding me?” Micah arched an eyebrow at True as if the myth was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard.

True pulled a face before sticking the strong-smelling bulb back into her bag with a disappointed huff. “Well, what will work, then, genius?”

Micah hissed at True, her canines elongating into sharp fangs. “Just because I’m helping you doesn’t mean I won’t eat you if you piss me off.”

True glared back, seemingly unafraid of the two-inch, knifelike teeth. “Try it, fang face. See what happens.” She dug in her shirt collar and pulled out an ancient-looking cross necklace, which only made Micah laugh.

“Crosses don’t work, either, meat sack. You think we’ve survived this long being that weak?”

True shrugged, stuffing it back in her shirt. “There has to be some way to kill you.”

Micah whirled, her fingers splaying into claws. “What did you say?!”

“We can’t fight,” I said, stepping between them. “We have bigger fish to fry. Please. For my mother. For Levi.”

Both girls went quiet, but neither seemed to be happy with the arrangement. Just because they were willing to work with me didn’t mean they were willing to work with each other. But infighting would be our demise, and there was plenty to worry about without adding those two trying to kill each to the mix.

Our vampire education came in fits and starts as we hiked through the dark woods to the cabin. I’d already talked with Levi about some of the myths when I learned he was a vampire, but True hadn’t been part of that conversation. She’d already gone through most of them with Micah, making the vamp angrier with every ridiculous suggestion she made.

“Let’s get this straight once and for all,” Micah said, stopping and turning toward us. Ticking off the options on her fingers, she said, “Fire, stake through the heart, sever the head from the body, destroy the body so much it cannot regenerate.”

“Silver bullet?” True asked.

“Like you have one of Copyright 2016 - 2024