Shadow Lake Vampire Society - Wendi Wilson Page 0,54

labored breaths, “and toss me in the water.”

“I know. I heard them,” she said as she seemed to float upright with absolute stillness. “I was swimming out to save you when you jumped in. Sorry for scaring you.”

“It’s o-okay,” I stuttered, my body shaking as the adrenaline drained out of me.

“Let’s get you back to dry land,” Sasha said gently. “May I?”

I nodded, and she hooked her arm around my waist once more. She towed me to the lake’s edge, not letting go until I was standing steady in the knee-deep water. We waded up onto the shore, and it took all I had not to collapse on the sand. As if she could sense how weak my legs were, Sasha slid her arm around my waist and looped my arm over her shoulders.

Supporting my weight, she led me up the path to Dean Purty’s office. The door to the dark building was unlocked, and Sasha flicked on the lights as she guided me inside and to a chair. Picking up the phone on his desk, she punched a few numbers then waited.

“Hey. I’ve got her… We’re in your office… Yes, sir.”

Shivering and soaking wet, I looked at her expectantly as she placed the phone receiver back into its cradle. She slumped into the dean’s chair before running her fingers through her own damp hair.

“What did he say?” I asked. “Am I in trouble?”

She cocked her head as her dark gaze pinned me in place. “Why would you be in trouble?”

I shrugged, wringing the water out of my own dark locks and the front of my T-shirt. “I was supposed to lay low and stay out of trouble. I left my cabin and was outside after hours, which was the only reason Lars and Sarah were able to grab me.” I hadn’t realized I felt partially responsible until now, but once I started talking, I couldn’t stop. It had been so stupid to expose myself like that.

She shook her head, saying, “You’re not in trouble, Piper. Dean Purty and Levi will be here shortly, and we’ll get this all sorted out.”

I nodded, but I was quaking on the inside. Concern for my own safety battled with the fear that they might send me away from Camp Shadow Lake. Away from the dangerous vampires. Away from True.

Away from Levi.

That kiss flashed through my memory, and a shiver ran down my spine at the thought of never experiencing it again. I knew I was being ridiculous, that my own safety and well-being were more important. That staying in a dangerous situation to be close to a boy was the height of stupidity.

They were going to drown me. Or close to it.

But for once in my life, I didn’t want to be smart. I didn’t want to lose anyone else, even if that someone else was a boy I just met who also happened to be a vampire. I’d lost enough already to last me a lifetime. If they tried to send me away, I was prepared to fight.


I jerked around in my chair as Levi bounded through the front door, followed by Dean Purty. Before I could blink, I was pulled from my chair and wrapped in Levi’s strong arms. My body relaxed, and I had to fight back the tears that threatened to burst from my eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling back to let his eyes travel down my body. “Did they hurt you?” His voice had an edge of violence to it, like any hint I was injured would make him bolt out of here and destroy those responsible.

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “They said they didn’t want to leave any marks.”

Levi’s features tightened with rage as he nodded. His gaze wandered from my face to my neck, looking for any evidence that I’d been bitten by Sarah or Lars. I blushed a little, realizing I was wearing only a form fitting T-shirt and shorts which were still wet and clinging to my body.

Seeing this, Levi darted out and returned in seconds with a towel.

“They didn’t hurt me, Levi,” I said, wrapping the towel around my shoulders, then cast a glance at the dean. “They wanted to wipe my memory of what I saw and everything I know about… all of you.”

Dean Purty nodded, saying, “I assumed as much. Sarah wouldn’t want you telling anyone about what you saw. She has been trying to prove she can be trusted again after what happened during the Christmas holidays.”

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