Shades of Gray - By Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge Page 0,49

down and kissed her.

It was only a moment—Holly, desperately trying to understand what was happening, had been so stunned by Hal’s action that for a moment, she stood still as he kissed her.

And that moment was all it took. Something was placed snugly into her left ear.

And then Holly Owens went away.

“I’m telling you,” Holly said, “I’m feeling fine.”

“Huh.” Valerie shook her head. “If you define fine as looking like utter shit, then yeah, you’re more than fine. How long since you’ve slept well?”

“Awhile,” she admitted. “Just having the weirdest dreams.”

They walked down the hallway, headed toward the Squadron lounge. Their bootheels tapped alarmingly loud on the polished floor, as if the entire headquarters had stilled to listen to their conversation.

“Hols,” Valerie said quietly. “It’s been going on for weeks now. You need to talk to Medical.”

“I know.” Holly sighed, rubbed her eyes. “I know. I just hate doctors.”

Valerie laughed. “Don’t tell that to Doctor Hypnotic.”

“Yeah,” Holly said. “About that. I don’t think …”

She was going to tell Valerie that she didn’t think she was going to keep seeing Hal—lately, whenever she would think about Hal, she found herself cringing, as if afraid of his touch. She didn’t know why, but not only was she no longer attracted to Doctor Hypnotic, she was afraid of him.

But that was when they arrived at the lounge, and Holly saw Blackout seated in one of the plush chairs, an old-fashioned paperback novel in his hands. And her feet stopped moving as she watched him read, saw the smooth lines of his face, the dark intelligence in his eyes. The sensual curve of his lips.

She had to know what those lips felt like.

Valerie said something to her, but she didn’t listen. Holly was too busy sauntering over to George Greene, planting herself in his lap and locking her lips onto his.

He let out a surprised squawk … and then wrapped his arms around her and thoroughly kissed her back.

When the kiss ended, she smiled at him. “I’ve been thinking about you.” And she was surprised to realize that was exactly right—she had been thinking about George, about how he was so dark and aloof and so mysterious. And so very, very attractive.

He was smiling at her, but it was cautious, guarded. “But … what about Doctor Hypnotic?”

“Who?” she said. And then she kissed Blackout again.

A week later, they disclosed their relationship to Extrahuman Resources. As a result, they were moved into joint quarters, a place big enough to accommodate both of them.

The press loved it—Blackout and Angelica were the newest It Couple, and their faces plastered New Chicago. Corp loved that the press loved it.

And Doctor Hypnotic, strangely, didn’t seem bothered by it in the least. He’d even wished them well.

Holly was relieved. Hal would find someone wonderful, she knew, just as she’d found George.

Just as good as living with the man she loved, and fighting by his side? Holly Owens, finally, was sleeping well again, safe in Blackout’s arms.



I don’t mind this life as much as I thought. And people ask very few questions when you’re giving them what they want most in the world.

—Matthew Icarus, diary entry dated 1988,

the day after the opening of his fertility clinic

Lester squinted into the strobes of the vids. Even a Light power had limits, and more and more often, as they grew more and more prevalent, he found the swarms of press suffocating.

That was a laugh. Him, Luster, darling of the cameras, averse to the very thing that gave him his popularity. His power.

“Luster! Luster, tell us about you and Vixen.”

“She’s standing right here, mate. Ask her yourself.”

Valerie stood to his left, her hand locked around the elbow of Jumper, a teleporting bank robber. Jumper was currently wearing stun-cuffs and a crop of bruises, courtesy of Luster’s girlfriend.

He grinned to himself. A woman like Vixen was useful to have around. Not to mention smart, beautiful, capable … pick your adjective, the woman was it.

Valerie threw him a wink, and for a moment he lost himself, the sounds of the press on the steps of Squadron HQ fading out. There had been a lot of women before Valerie, but none remotely as interesting. Luster, usually bored after a night or a handful of nights, had found himself unable to think about much except Valerie after being with her for only one night. And here it was, eight months since that first night together, and he was still happy. Wonders never ceased.

“Enough simpering for the cameras,” said Copyright 2016 - 2024