Shades of Gray - By Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge Page 0,41

or deeply. “You have a lot of fucking nerve showing your face, Taser.”

The mercenary chuckled behind his mask. “Not exactly.”

Iridium rose, strobes blossoming all around her like a garden of poison flowers. “Give me a reason.”

“To kiss me or kill me?”

“Hey,” Boxer said, putting his hand on Iridium’s shoulder as she started for the big man. “Your gal needs a hospital, stat. Her pulse is tachy and she’s burned.”

“Hypnotic.” Taser scrubbed a hand across his goggles. “I got a call, and I saw Jet, then she wasn’t Jet, she was … well. She was Doctor Hypnotic. I shocked her. I did it.”

Only the befuddled pain in his tone kept Iridium from burning him to cinder on the spot. “There were two more. Firebug and Steele.”

Taser waved his hand vaguely at the building. “He let us go. Why would he do that … ?”

Iridium snapped her fingers. “Boxer, help Jet.” She started for the building. Taser grabbed her arm, Kevlar glove scratchy against her skin.

“No! What about me?”

Iridium cocked an eyebrow. “You? Roast in your own power, for all I care.” She yanked herself free and ran into the building.

Steele and Firebug stood near a decrepit security desk. Steele looked worse for wear, leaning against the desk, holding her head. Firebug stood under her own power, but tear tracks made their way down her sweaty, grimy face.

“Harriet,” she said. “Harrie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t get here in time …”

“Forget it, Kai.” Steele waved her away. “Nobody could have done anything against that maniac.”

“He just … let us go.” Firebug let out a shuddering breath. “Something’s not right.”

“Great. We’re all members of the Something’s Not Right Club,” Iridium said. “Let’s get you two out of here before old Googly-Eyes changes his mind.”

Firebug gasped. “Iridium?”

Next to her, Steele said quietly, “We don’t want any trouble with you.”

“And I don’t want to be babysitting heroes.” She met Steele’s glare for a moment, remembering that she favored her left in a hand-to-hand fight. She could beat Steele again if the bigger woman became a problem.

Stupid, bitchy, mistrustful heroes.

“Let’s go,” she said. “You and Jet both need a medic. Firebug needs to fix up her face. No future in hanging around here.”

Steele stood, grimacing with the effort. “You walk first. Show us your back.”

They didn’t trust her. And they were smart not to.

Iridium sighed and walked ahead, making a show of turning her back on the two other women. “Satisfied? I’m not the boogeyman today.”

“No,” Firebug shivered. “No, you’re not.”

Outside, Taser had loaded Jet onto his hoverbike while Boxer stood by, glaring at the taller man with enough power to strip plastipaint off steel.

“Gramps here thinks I’m going to abscond with the princess.” Taser’s mask wrinkled as he grinned. All of the confusion and terror of before were gone, locked back inside his box. Iridium had a similar one, where she kept all emotion not immediately useful to the situation at hand.

That trick Corp had taught her, not Lester. It was the only thing of value she’d taken with her when she’d run—the ability to be heartless. Corp excelled at every level in that.

Taser loomed up next to her. “Powwow, chief.”

Iridium glared at him. “What? If it’s an apology, why don’t you go throw it in the lake and jump after it?”

“We can’t take Jet to a hospital.” He flexed his gloves, armored plates creaking. “She’s still got enough enemies to make it risky, plus a rabid could get to her while she’s out.”

Iridium glanced at Steele. “I know a place. Head for old Wrigley Field, top level. We’ll meet you there.”

Steele frowned hugely.

“Yes,” Iridium snapped, “I know about your secret superhero club. Jet invited me. Can we trade meaningful looks after you and she have gotten some medical attention?”

“She’s right, Harrie,” Firebug said softly. “You need help.”

“Fine.” The look on Steele’s face made it clear this conversation wasn’t over, just postponed.

“Come on, ladies,” Boxer said, patting the backseat of his hover. “There’s room if we all get friendly.”

Taser climbed onto his bike, making sure Jet was secure. “See you at the ball field.” He gunned the engine, and a moment later, he and Jet were gone.

Iridium looked at Boxer. “Make room for one more.”

“All right, but if my hover discs give out, you’re paying.”

“Oh, Jehovah.” Meteorite leapt up from the console when Iridium, Taser, Boxer, and the motley assembly of heroes marched into the main room of Squadron headquarters. “What is this, the halfway house for supervillains?” Then she saw Steele’s limp, and Jet Copyright 2016 - 2024