Shades of Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #16) - Alexandra Ivy Page 0,40

going to banter, at least try to be inventive.”

With an angry roar, Tur swiped the cudgel in her direction. She leaped to the side, then with a loud cry, she pretended to lose her balance and fell to her knees.

Tur grinned, taking a long step toward her as he anticipated a quick end to the battle.

“Not so smart-mouth now, eh, girlie?”

Rolling to the side, Chaaya clenched her muscles and threw the spear with every ounce of power she had left in her. It sailed upward, but it missed the orc who jerked out of its path. That was fine with Chaaya. She wasn’t aiming at Tur. Her target was the chandelier above their heads.

It was a risky gamble, but it paid off as the blade connected with the iron chain that attached the massive light to the ceiling.

There was a shrill creak, then a strange crackling sound as the layers of gold and gems were pulled away with the weight of the chandelier. En masse they plummeted downward. Tur looked confused, as if he didn’t understand what was happening. Chaaya, on the other hand, was desperately scrambling backward.

She’d barely managed to reach the edge of the danger zone when the tons of metal and flames and thick iron chains smashed Tur on the head. Dazed, he stumbled backward, slamming into a column with enough force to snap it in two. More of the precious gems cascaded from the ceiling.

Knowing it was now or never, Chaaya surged to her feet and dashed across the shattered tiles of the floor. She snatched her spear out of the rubble and leaped forward in full Xena mode. Tur’s crimson eyes widened at the sight of her, but it was too late for him to react. Her spear was already piercing his lower stomach to puncture his heart before he could move.

“How many times do I have to tell you?” she asked between clenched teeth, twisting the spear until the screaming stopped. “My name is Chaaya.”

Yanking her spear free, Chaaya turned to discover Dabbler surveying the destroyed room with wide-eyed horror.

“No!” Dabbler cried out, pointing a shaking finger in her direction. “You…you…” Words seemed to fail him.

Chaaya shrugged. “This was your idea, not mine.”

The words had barely left her mouth when a heavy object smashed into the back of her head, nearly cracking her skull. Chaaya felt an explosion of pain, then a welcome darkness rushed up and crashed over her.

That was the last thing she knew.

Chapter 12

Basq paced the cramped cell. Back and forth. Back and forth. He was on his 733rd circuit—yes, he’d counted each one—when there was a faint groan from across the narrow space. Rushing to kneel beside the shabby cot, he grabbed Chaaya’s hand as her lashes fluttered and she slowly opened her eyes.

A funny sensation tightened his chest. As if his unbeating heart was being squeezed in a tight vise.

After being trapped in the silver net, he’d been nearly comatose. The shocking pain had driven his demon into a protective hibernation, but he’d been distantly aware that Chaaya was being forced into a battle. The fear and sense of helplessness had been brutal. Much worse than any torture he’d ever endured.

Now he wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go.

Unfortunately they were currently locked in a dungeon far below the palace with a heavy iron door and silver lock that ensured he was effectively trapped. They needed to get out of there before the chieftain decided exactly how he wanted to punish Chaaya for not dying.

Her eyes at last focused and he ran the tips of his fingers over her cheek. “What part of don’t cause trouble didn’t you understand?”

She wrinkled her nose. “It wasn’t my fault.”

He skimmed his hand over her shaven scalp, surprised to find how soft the shorn strands of hair were beneath his palm. Then he traced the delicate tattoos that ran down the side of her neck.

“How badly are you hurt?”

“A few aches and pains.” She shoved herself to a sitting position. “Nothing serious. What about you?”

He shrugged. “I drank the blood I had in the flask to regain my strength.”

She studied his face, as if searching for any lingering wounds. Then, finally satisfied that he was fully healed, she swiveled her feet off the cot and glanced around the barren cell.

There wasn’t much to see. A stone floor that matched the stone walls and stone ceiling. Two cots. And a door. That was it.

“How long was I out?”

“Two hours,” Copyright 2016 - 2024