Shades of Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #16) - Alexandra Ivy Page 0,10

her with a strange intensity. “Are you so sure?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re the only one who has an intimate knowledge of the beast,” he reminded her. “If it’s trying to seep back into this world, then the first thing it’s going to try to do is get rid of the one creature that might be capable of preventing its return.”

He forced her to confront the truth she’d been happily trying to ignore. She didn’t want to think about the beast or evil or encroaching darkness. She just wanted to leap from one mindless pleasure to another.

Was that too much to ask?

Obviously, it was.

She heaved a sigh of frustration. “If the darkness comes after me, then your precious Basq is going to be toast. Is that what you want?”

“Can you just once do what I ask without an argument?”

Chaaya started to remind him once again that he wasn’t her boss, only to have the words die on her lips as she noticed the lines of strain on his handsome face.

“You look tired,” she told him.

Chiron grimaced. “I’m worried. We thought the threat was over. If the beast is truly returning to this world, then we need to be prepared.”

Oh. Chaaya nodded. “Yeah, I’m worried too.”

Chiron rose to his feet, holding her gaze. “Then go to the mer-folk castle and check on Brigette. Make sure she’s not spreading her poison.”

“I’ll go, but I don’t want Basq,” Chaaya countered. “He’s a pain in the ass.”

Chiron’s lips twisted. “Strange, he just said the same thing about you.”

“Because he’s a humorless bore.”

“He’s one of the most honorable males I know. Then again, if your preference is for the scum you meet at the Diablo Club, I can understand your lack of appreciation for his finer qualities,” he muttered, referring to the seedy demon bar she frequented on the edge of town.

She tilted her chin. “Those scum are like me.”

Chiron paused, as if caught off guard by her claim. “What do you mean?”

She glanced away, feeling oddly vulnerable. “Disposable,” she whispered.


Whatever Chiron was about to say was interrupted when Levet shoved the door open and returned to the hallway. Basq was a step behind him, his expression tight with annoyance.

Chiron made a sound of impatience. “Do you understand the meaning of a private conversation?”

Levet flapped his wings. “Inga has opened a portal for us to travel to the mer-folk castle. We need to leave now.”

“Fine. Go, but keep me in the loop.” Chiron glanced toward Basq, who gave a small nod.

“What loop?” Levet blinked in confusion. “We have a loop? Like Snapchat? Oh, oh. Mine is MustLoveGargoyles79—”

“Argh. I can’t bear any more.” Chiron stormed down the hallway toward the main casino, the walls icing over as he passed.

“He’s in a poopy mood,” Levet groused.

Chaaya bit back her mocking comment. A part of her appreciated Chiron’s concern. If the beast had found a way to manipulate Brigette, or worse, to enter this dimension, then they were all in danger. Extreme, end-of-the-world danger.

“He’s afraid,” she said in a soft voice.

“I am as well,” Levet confessed, his smile fading. “If the darkness is leaking from Brigette, then the mermaids are in danger. Inga is in danger.”

Chaaya squared her shoulders, squashing her reluctance to spend more time in Basq’s company. This was too important to let her childish reaction to the vampire interfere with what needed to be done.

“Then we’ll go and protect them, right?” she demanded.

“Oui. It is what knights in shining armor do,” Levet agreed.

Chaaya snorted. “I’m about as far from a knight in shining armor as you can get.”

Without warning, Levet moved forward to grasp her fingers in a firm grip.

“Ma belle, you are the only true hero I have ever known.”

Chapter 3

Brigette clenched her teeth as she paced her cell, waiting for the door to open.

A part of her knew she was crazy. How could she trust another mystery voice whispering in her ear? The last time she’d allowed herself to be swayed by an anonymous stranger, she’d become a pawn to an evil beast who’d used her to destroy her own pack. But this voice hadn’t promised her infinite power. Or to become alpha. Or even vast riches.

No, there’d been only one thing it had offered.

Something Brigette longed to acquire with the force of a thousand suns.

First, however, she had to get out of this damned dungeon. It didn’t matter that she’d only been locked away a few months. Right now it felt like centuries. And each minute she remained captive felt like acid Copyright 2016 - 2024