Shaded Amethysts - Ann Omasta Page 0,5

a visit,” he offered kindly.

“Oh, that’s not necessary, Dr. James,” I answered automatically.

“After what we’ve been through together, I think you can call me Noah.” That sexy grin emerged and stole my breath away.

“Okay, Noah,” I said in a husky voice that I hoped sounded flirty, rather than congested. Deciding he would probably like to know, I added, “Scout, the little boy who fell in the water, is doing well, too.”

“That’s wonderful.” A relieved look emerged on his face, making me think he truly cared.

We stood there staring at each other for a long moment as I searched my mind for something witty to say, but came up frustratingly empty.

Finally, he said in a serious tone, “We need to have a discussion about your trespassing on my property this morning.”

Of all the things I had imagined him saying in that moment, this had never crossed my mind. The blood drained from my head as I gawked at his grim expression. He might be concerned about being sued by Scout’s parents. As I was preparing to explain to him that this wasn’t how things worked in our close-knit, small town, he added, “Perhaps we can talk about it over dinner tomorrow night?”

His sparkly-eyed gaze immediately released any concerns I had that he might truly be angry with me. Just as I opened my mouth to respond that I would love that, a golden retriever wearing a plastic cone emerged from the back of the office.

The dog was carrying a stuffed animal in its mouth as it rushed over to greet me. His tail flapped back and forth as I stooped down to rub his soft ears. When I got a good look at the toy he was carrying, I couldn’t help but be utterly charmed. It was a yellow dog with its own tiny, plastic cone around its neck.

When I glanced up at Noah and said, “Cute toy,” I could have sworn the man actually blushed.

“The dogs seem to like having someone else in the same situation as them. It helps alleviate the humiliation of wearing a cone of shame,” he explained.

The man was handsome, helpful, and charming. Plus, he loved animals and was obviously sensitive to their needs. Oh, and he was a doctor. Could he be any more perfect? Swoon.

Deciding I’d better get out of here before my panties decided to remove themselves and fly into his startled face, I said, “See you tomorrow night?”

“Can’t wait,” he said quietly as I turned and gave my best effort at a sexy saunter out of his office.



I was far too keyed up to sleep. Besides, if I returned to my parents’ home while they were still awake, I might slip up and tell them about my upcoming date with the sexy veterinarian. I already felt enough pressure to make it a success without adding their anticipatory looks into the mix.

I decided to take a late-night walk to burn off some of my excess energy. Although there had been a recent crime spree of minor break-ins and petty vandalism in our lovely, coastal town, I refused to be afraid. Brunswick Bay Harbor was my home, and I would not hide out at my parents’ house in fear. Besides, Kevin Durley was the only major criminal that had ever lived here, and he was locked up.

The wind was brisk coming in off the water from the harbor as I walked down Blueberry Cove Street, so I raised the zipper higher on the light fleece jacket I’d found in my trunk. There weren’t many people out and about at this late hour, but I had no doubt that if I yelled for help several people would run to assist me. That was the type of place this was. Neighbors helped each other, without question.

As I approached the hulking figure on the ground, I squinted my eyes in an effort to figure out what I was looking at. The closer I got, the more certain I became that it was a large man stooping on the ground.

I didn’t recognize the broad back or scruffy hair of the kneeling man, but I felt compelled to offer my assistance with whatever he was trying to do, so I said, “Need some help down there?”

He jumped in surprise at my question, even though I hadn’t intended to sneak up on him. When he turned to face me, it was my turn to startle. This had to be the newcomer I’d heard so much about recently. I’d never seen Copyright 2016 - 2024