Shaded Amethysts - Ann Omasta Page 0,37

gear, so I knew I was on the right track. Now, I just had to use that positive momentum to convince him to go along with the most important decision of my life.



I couldn’t imagine what Gage’s big surprise was, but I hoped he planned to propose marriage to me. I knew it was quick, and I shouldn’t let my heart jump ahead so quickly, but I couldn’t wait for us to settle down, make babies, and share the rest of our lives together. Besides, it seemed like that was precisely the direction we were headed.

When he asked me to put on a handkerchief-turned-blindfold before greeting him for our scheduled date, I knew something major was afoot. My parents actually sounded excited as they told us to have fun, which confirmed in my mind that something big was definitely going to happen tonight.

Gage took my arm and led me to his truck. We remained quiet during the drive, since the nervous energy practically crackled in the air as he took me to our secret destination. After he stopped and parked the truck, he gently guided me as we walked, being careful to make sure I knew when any potential tripping hazards were in our path.

It was easy to completely trust the gentle, thoughtful man with my safety. I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to me, even though I didn’t have any idea where he was taking me.

Once we reached our destination, he stopped walking and reached over to loosen my blindfold. With a flourish, he removed it and said, “Ta-da!”

I didn’t know why we were at the empty shell of a building that had been Mimi’s Diner before it burned down, but one glimpse at Gage made all curiosity about that fall away. Staring with wide eyes at the gorgeous, smooth-faced man before me, I asked, “Gage? Is that you?”

He chuckled as he ran his hand along his freshly-shaved jawline. His voice actually sounded nervous when he asked, “Do you like it?”

“You’re still you, aren’t you?” I asked with a smile. Hoping to ease his concerns, I added, “I’d love you whether you were completely bald or had hair and a beard that hung down to your knees.”

“Is that so?” he asked, seeming surprised by my open, accepting answer.

I moved to press my front into his before answering, “Yes, but this clean-cut version of you is damn sexy. I like being able to see more of your handsome face.”

After enunciating my words with a lengthy, breathtaking kiss, I reluctantly pulled back and asked, “What are we doing here?”

He seemed nervous about my reaction as he answered, “I used some of my inheritance to buy the place from Mimi Dawson. She seems to have taken a liking to me ever since Meg spread the news that I wasn’t behind the recent petty crime spree in town. When Mimi told me that she was planning to sell this place, so she can travel the country and stir up trouble in her recreational vehicle, I jumped at the chance to buy it.”

I raised my brows, wondering what in the world he was up to, but remained silent to let him explain in his own time.

His tone was filled with enthusiasm, like a kid on Christmas morning, when he said, “I’m going to open a flower shop!”

He spent the next fifteen minutes excitedly showing me his ideas for where the coolers would go, how he would display the brightly-colored blossoms and plants, and what he would do to make a comfortable seating area for him to chat with clients about the perfect flowers to express their emotions.

His plans made perfect sense, and I didn’t know why I hadn’t thought of it. I tried my best to keep the disappointment out of my tone that I hadn’t received a proposal when I said, “It looks like you’ve thought of everything, and Brunswick Bay Harbor needs a local florist. I’m sure it will be a smashing success.”

His downcast expression let me know that I hadn’t been successful in my quest to hide my hurt feelings. Trying to drum up more enthusiasm, I asked, “What will you name the shop?”

“I was thinking of calling it Flower Power. It has a nice ring to it, plus it alludes to the meaning each different flower conveys. My plan is to include a fancy printed card with each type of flower purchased to explain to the recipient precisely what message it is sending.”

“Brilliant,” I answered honestly.

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