A Shade of Vampire 82 A Circle of Nine - Bella Forrest Page 0,59

rid the empire of their evil ways. But the truth remains—and it’s been confirmed by the foreigners’ own analysis—that there is indeed a connection between Valaine Crimson and the Black Fever.”

I looked at Kalon, and I could see the horror glimmering in his blue eyes.

“For as long as she is free, we will not be safe. She must be apprehended and isolated. Further studies will be considered, if necessary, until it is confirmed that she is at the root of this outbreak. Valaine loose on the streets is a danger to us all!” Danika said, and the crowd cheered its unanimous agreement. I felt sick to my stomach. This was the daughter of the master commander they’d turned against, a good person and a well-respected member of Aeternae society. It appeared fearmongering worked in this culture, as well, and Danika was damn good at it. “That being said, I am offering two rewards. I expect you all to spread the word far and wide, so that it is known across the kingdom. A million gold coins for whoever brings Valaine back!”

“I can almost hear the coin purses screaming.” Kalon sighed, shaking his head.

“A million gold coins!” Danika reiterated. “To anyone who brings Valaine back. Alive is not a requirement.”

“Oh, my God.” Horror took over, crushing my windpipe. “Has she lost her mind?”

Sofia was stunned and speechless, and Kalon was red with fury, but they both kept quiet as Danika continued.

“As your Lady Supreme, it is my sworn duty to protect you from all that befalls the empire, and that includes the wretched Black Fever that has tormented us for far too long. If the Darklings are right, and Lady Crimson is responsible, I will sleep better knowing she has been eliminated. And if she is innocent, she should have no problem coming to me and declaring so. But alas, she’s running and hiding. Does that sound like an innocent Aeternae to you?”

“No!” people in the crowd shouted.

“I know… I know the foreigners are here,” Danika added, her voice softening ever so slightly. “I can smell them. I’ve memorized their scents. They’re hiding among you so we cannot get to them.”

The masses trembled and murmured nervously. The Aeternae threw glances at each other, likely wondering if they might be able to spot us. Danika was playing them like fiddles, and I gradually realized what she was angling for here. We’d been playing checkers, but now she was playing three-dimensional chess.

“They have my son, and they think they can dictate the terms of our arrangement through threats and blackmail,” Danika shouted angrily, the shell amplifying her voice. It thundered throughout the neighborhood, her emotions flowing freely and infecting everyone in their path. My own blood simmered. “But I have something to say about that. First and foremost, I will not allow a bunch of foreigners to take advantage of my husband’s death like this! We are Aeternae, and we are honorable creatures! Second, I will pay two million gold coins to anyone who brings me my son back to me unharmed. Prince Thayen needs to be here at home with his mother, his loyal subjects, his friends! Our family has been through quite enough already.”

“Oh, now she’s playing the sympathy card,” I muttered, mostly to myself.

Movement behind her caught my eye. A body was brought out on a wheeled gurney, flanked by four gold guards. The master commander led the short procession, looking glum and completely out of his element. I wondered what Corbin thought of all this, considering he was still up there, by Danika’s side and following her orders, after she’d just put a bounty on his daughter’s head.

“Is that Acheron?” Sofia asked, her voice faltering.

After a second look, I shook my head, barely able to breathe. “It’s Nethi.”

She was covered with a thin white silk sheet that seemed to flow off the table like milk, but I could see her head, her copper hair. Danika’s people had finally found Nethissis’s body. The worst part was that she’d brought her out for everyone to see, and I couldn’t fathom why.

“The foreigners think they can push me around,” Danika said, motionless as the body was wheeled up next to her. Corbin revealed a torch, which he lit from one of the big fires. Oh no… “This is my message to them. Surrender now. Bring me my son, and I will not sentence you all to death. Cooperate and work with me for the future of Visio, and you shall be spared.”

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