Settling the Score (The Summer Games #1) - R.S. Grey Page 0,21

he was betrothed and he knew I was too cool for him, so there was no pressure. We could just be friends. Super hot, super not interested in each other friends. I didn’t see the problem.

At the end of poker night—after I’d called him out for being a cheating asshole—he’d laughed and reached for one of the cards on the table. He scrawled something on it and then Thom shouted out for him, telling him he was heading home for the night. Freddie pressed the card into my palm and then turned away. I stood there, watching him leave, ignoring the slope of his muscled back and shoulders as he walked through the door.

When I turned the card over, it read, 1:00 PM - Central Natatorium Training Complex.

He didn’t even bother asking me if I was free to swim then. Clearly I had to go, if only to reprimand him for assuming, and to tell him that if there was a next time (which there wouldn’t be), he should ask me about my schedule first.

I explained this to Kinsley and Becca and they both shook their heads.

“That makes no sense,” Kinsley said. “You’re going because you think the man will look good in the pool.”

Becca nodded. “And you want to see him shirtless. You’re reverse Ariel; you’re trading your human legs for a mermaid tail so you can kiss him.”

I gasped. “What? No. That’s preposterous.”

“You’ve never used that word, so I know you’re lying.”

“Right well, thanks for the love you two. Must get ready now. Chat later.” I shooed them both out of my room—a bit forcefully at the end since Kinsley is strong for her size. She tried to hold on to the doorframe and dig her heels in, but I pushed her out and then locked the door as quickly as possible.

“You’re only fooling yourself!” she shouted back.

I couldn’t hear her over the sound of me telling myself how smart it was to go for a swim. Really, as my big sister on the soccer team, Kinsley of all people should have been encouraging my interest in cross-training.



INHALE. STROKE. STROKE. Inhale. Stroke. Stroke. I sliced through the cold water as I felt the muscles in my arms start to protest. I’d finished my workout a few minutes earlier, but I kept swimming. It was the best kind of burn, the slow-spreading reminder of how close I was to competing in another Olympic games. I kicked hard, touched the wall, and sprang up out of the water to check the timer. I’d finished half a second faster than my last circuit.

“Good work, Archibald,” Coach yelled from across the pool.

I pulled myself out and shook off water like a mangy mutt.

“Think you could manage a break?” Thom asked. “Your arms will fall off before the games have even started.” He threw my towel at me and I reached out to catch it before it landed in the pool. He’d already showered and changed, which meant I’d stayed in the pool even longer than I’d assumed.

I shrugged. “Feels good. I haven’t had that good of a go since arriving.”

“Yeah, well you’re already crushing my time, and I’m the fastest bloody swimmer in the world. I think you could manage a breather every now and again.”

I wrapped the towel around my neck and walked to my bag so I could check my mobile. There was a text from Georgie waiting for me.

Georgie: Mum tried to phone you this morning, but I hid the charger for her cell. She was stomping around and having a fit. She’ll never find it in Chester’s litter box. I hid her hideous canary red lipstick there the other day as well. The woman should thank me—she looked like a cherry tart.

I smiled and typed back a reply.

Freddie: I owe you one.

“What are you doing now?” Thom asked. “Off to the gym?”

I shook my head and tossed my mobile back onto my bag.

“I actually have plans.”

“What? Who with?”

I shrugged. “No one.”

My mobile buzzed in my bag again and I reached for it as a way out. “Actually, I’ve got to handle this straightaway.”

I made it seem like an important email, but it was just Georgie texting me back. It worked though; Thom wandered off and I shouted that I’d see him back at the flat. I knew he’d interrogate me later, but I could work up a proper excuse by then.

Georgie: Oh no. Mum found the lippie.

Georgie: AND SHE PUT IT ON. You should have seen the Copyright 2016 - 2024