Settling the Score (The Summer Games #1) - R.S. Grey Page 0,131

the team,” she continued, “then London might be seeing a lot more of me.”

I inhaled her words, trying not to look as if they were the best thing I’d heard in a decade. I’d already thought over all our options. I’d worked myself up to the idea of flying to L.A. once or twice a month to see her, but this? Her moving to London was something I hadn’t dared imagine.

I cupped her cheeks in my palms and leaned down to steal another kiss.

“Something is buzzing,” she said, jumping back.

“Oh god, what else did Georgie buy?”

She laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s your phone.”

It was buzzing on the nightstand and when Andie handed it over to me, a text from Georgie lit up the screen. I read it aloud.

“Georgie says, ‘Oops might want to check the bath. Forgot to turn off the faucet before I left.’”

Andie spun for the bathroom. “Oh shit!”

Oh shit was right. There was water and bubbles everywhere. Water sloshed over the sides of the bathtub, making the marble around it a slippery hazard zone. The faucet was still running, and there were enough foamy bubbles to make it impossible to see Andie as she bent down to turn it off. I reached for a few towels beneath the sink and dropped them on the floor right as my mobile buzzed again.

Georgie: Oh! And I poured an entire bottle of bubble bath in the tub. I’ve always wanted to do that… :)

“I’ll kill her,” I said, tossing my mobile onto the sink and getting to work soaking up the water.

Andie laughed. “It’s kind of fun.” She pushed around one of the towels with her feet. “It reminds me of foam parties back in college.

I scrunched my brows. “Foam parties?”

“You’ve never been?!”

I shook my head and bent down to push around one of the towels, blowing bubbles out of my path so I could actually see what I was doing. Andie bent down beside me and we worked together, mopping up the floor as best as possible. Our shoulders bumped together and she sent a smile my way. I shook my head, thinking of all the ways I’d murder Georgie in the morning.

I picked up one of the towels and carried it over to the sink to wring it out. Just as I started to twist it in my hands, Andie’s white blouse landed with a splat on the counter beside me. I stared at it for a second and then glanced up to meet her reflection in the mirror. She was half hidden in the mass of bubbles, but her wicked smile was easy to see.

“Is this what happens at those parties?” I teased.

She fingered the straps of her bra and I watched, enraptured.

“Not quite…at least not while I was there.”

She was being shy, taking her time with her bra. She met my eyes in the mirror as she pushed the straps off her shoulders. Her chest rose and fell with her nervous breath, straining against the top of her bra.

“Take it off,” I said with a subtle nod.

She twisted her hand behind her back and unhooked the clasp. The creamy lace slid away and a second later, her bra landed beside her blouse.

The bathroom was full of steam and bubbles and water and the scent of that damn bubble bath. I turned from the sink and she bent to push off her jeans.


She looked up through the veil of the bubbles. “Will the water ruin your floors?”

I shook my head. “I don’t care.”

“Then I see no reason to let this bubble bath go to waste.”

She let her jeans fall to the floor, and then she was gloriously naked. The bubbles shrouded her tan skin as she stepped back and put one leg in the tub.

“Mmm,” she hummed, drawing a finger out and trying to lure me closer. “It’s warm.”

I reached behind my neck and pulled my shirt off over my head with one smooth pull.

“Coming in?” she asked as she bent and disappeared behind the bubbles. More water splashed out over the sides and I knew I’d displace even more when I joined her. We’d have quite a cleanup job, but I had a singular focus. My jeans hit the floor and my boxer briefs went next. I walked to the tub and Andie popped her head out of the bubbles. I had to hold back a laugh as I stepped in and sank into the warm water.

I could barely make her out on the Copyright 2016 - 2024