Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,70

road,” Gunnar explained. He glanced at the blood on Eli’s arm and frowned. “Sorry that happened.”

Eli shook his head. “It’s nothing. Thanks for getting Gloria and Cora out of the house.”

“Yes, thank you,” Ashlyn echoed.

She was still leaning over the seat when Eli heard something else. Something he didn’t want to hear.

“Watch out!” someone shouted. Kellan. “He’s coming your way!”

Eli pivoted to the sound of his brother’s voice, but instead of seeing Kellan, he spotted Dominick. The man was coming out of the house and running straight toward them. Kellan was on the side of the house. Also running. But he might not be able to intercept Dominick in time.

“Get down now,” Eli ordered, and he hoped that Ashlyn and Gloria would listen.

Dominick was a mess with blood all over the front of his shirt, and he was staggering, but he still had a gun. A gun that he had pointed at the cruiser. Even though there was little chance a bullet would be able to get through, Eli didn’t take any chances. Barreling out of the cruiser, he took aim.

And fired.

This time, he didn’t hold back. He sent three shots straight into Dominick’s chest. There was a startled look on Dominick’s face as if he couldn’t believe what’d just happened, but the look was gone in a flash. His expression went blank, and Dominick collapsed onto the ground.


Eli was sure of that, but he kept his gun on the man as he hurried to him. He kicked away Dominick’s gun, leaned down and touched his fingers to his neck. He was definitely gone.

“Sorry,” Kellan said, running in behind Eli. “I spotted Dominick, but he got away from me. I didn’t want to shoot because I wasn’t sure if Ashlyn and you were still in the house.”

Kellan stopped and cursed when he saw the blood on Eli. “Let me get the EMTs up here for you.”

Eli didn’t stop him from doing that, but right now his injury wasn’t his main concern. Ashlyn was. She had no doubt watched as he’d gunned down Dominick, and Eli had to confirm she was okay.

He made sure he didn’t wince in pain when he made his way back to her. Ashlyn must have sensed it, though, because she got out of the cruiser, and she forced him to sit on the seat.

“It’s over,” she said, not sounding as shaky as he’d thought she would. She stepped closer, standing between his legs and looking down at him. “Thank you.”

He didn’t want her thanks. Didn’t deserve it. Because he hadn’t stopped the danger that’d led them to this.

“I should have seen how unhinged Dominick was,” he told her.

The look she gave him turned a little flat. “I think Dominick hid it well. Until tonight, that is. But he’ll never be able to come after us again.”

True, and neither would Waite. Not that Eli thought Waite was a threat now. Not with Dominick’s money fueling him. Still, Eli wanted him to pay, too.

In the distance, he heard the sirens from the ambulance. It wouldn’t be long before it arrived, and he couldn’t see how he was going to talk Ashlyn and Kellan out of making him go to the hospital. Besides, he was pretty sure he needed stitches, and he’d need to be examined if only to stop Ashlyn from worrying about him.

“When you told me you were in love with me,” he started, “I dismissed it.”

She gave a heavy sigh. “It’s okay. I understand.”

That made him frown. “Well, you shouldn’t understand, because I had no right to dismiss it. Not when I feel the same way about you.”

He’d said those last words fast, just to make sure he got them all out before the ambulance got there. And even though he was certain that Ashlyn heard him, she didn’t have the response he wanted.

She gave him another flat look. One that went on for several too-long moments. And then Ashlyn smiled.

“You’re in love with me?” she asked.

Gunnar cleared his throat, obviously trying to remind him he was there, listening. Eli didn’t care. He had a sudden, unexplainable urge to shout it from the rooftops, and he might just do that after he got stitched up. And after he kissed Ashlyn.

“I do love you,” Eli told her, and he got busy with the kiss.

Eli pulled her down to him, easing her into his lap so he could do it the right way. He kissed her long and deep, and he didn’t stop, not even when the ambulance Copyright 2016 - 2024