Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,64

the rest of his miserable life.

“I’m guessing the reason for this desperation is because you got wind that Waite was about to spill his guts,” Eli went on. He wanted to keep Dominick’s attention on him so that he didn’t notice Gunnar or Kellan. “Waite will confess that you’re the one who hired him and his buddy. He must have told you that when you were at the sheriff’s office visiting him—right before Remy kidnapped you.”

Again, Dominick didn’t deny it, but his silence put a cold hard knot in Eli’s gut. All along Dominick had been a suspect, but Eli hated that he hadn’t gotten the proof sooner. He definitely hadn’t wanted things to play out like this what with Ashlyn, Cora, Gloria, Kellan and Gunnar in danger. Plus, some of the hands could get hurt, too, if Dominick tried to escape.

“Your son, Danny, didn’t want you to raise Cora,” Ashlyn said. “In fact, before he died, he made it clear that he didn’t want you anywhere near her.”

Dominick tightened his grip on Ashlyn’s neck, and Eli could feel the man’s anger go up a notch. Obviously, this was a sensitive subject, and while Eli wouldn’t have minded pushing some of Dominick’s buttons, he didn’t want to do that while he was holding a gun on Ashlyn.

“My son was on drugs and confused,” Dominick spat out. “If he’d been thinking straight, he would have made sure that she wasn’t put up for adoption where anyone could have ended up getting her. She’s my granddaughter, and with Danny dead, she belongs to me.”

In his own way, Dominick was just as crazy and obsessed as Remy had been. That only made him more dangerous, because there was no way to reason with someone this bent on getting his way.

“Cora belongs to me,” Ashlyn snapped, and she was just as angry as Dominick. Definitely not good. Eli didn’t want her to do anything that would goad the man into pulling the trigger.

“Until you can prove to me that she has your DNA, then she’s mine.” This time Dominick dug the gun even harder into her head just as Remy had done to him minutes earlier.

“Both of you want what’s best for Cora,” Eli interjected, trying to get Dominick to turn back to him. “Just make sure you don’t fire any shots that can go through the walls.”

That did get Dominick’s attention, and he finally turned his glare back on Eli. “If I shoot, I won’t be aiming at a wall.”

No. He’d be shooting at Ashlyn, and she’d be a very easy target. But for now, Dominick almost certainly wanted to keep her alive because he thought she was his ticket out of there. With his money and resources, he no doubt planned to take the baby, murder Ashlyn, and then he’d disappear with Cora.

Eli didn’t intend for any of that to happen.

“I need a vehicle,” Dominick reminded them. “I’ll take the keys to your truck.” He meant that for Eli. “First, put your gun on the floor. You, too, Sheriff Slater. And before the two of you think of delaying that some more, just know that I will shoot. Nowhere near where Cora is, but that end table isn’t giving the sheriff much protection. I’m thinking a bullet could go through that without a problem.”

It could, and Eli wasn’t immune to the threat of having his brother shot. Or of having any gunfire. There’d already been enough bloodshed. But Eli also had no intention of facing Dominick while he was unarmed.

Eli slid his gun across the floor toward Dominick, and in the same motion, he drew his backup from his boot holster. He kept that out of sight. From behind the table, Kellan did the same, drawing his backup as well.

“Good,” Dominick continued. “Now, go ahead and take your keys from your pocket and slide them over here. Remember not to do anything that’ll get your lover killed. That includes giving me the wrong key and trying to charge at me when I reach down for them.”

Eli doubted that Dominick had any proof that Ashlyn and he were indeed lovers, but it was possible they were giving off some kind of vibe. Eli knew he wasn’t reining in all his emotions when he looked at her, but he didn’t want Dominick using that in some way.

He took out his keys and as instructed, Eli slid them toward Dominick. They stopped just a few inches from his feet. Dominick tightened his hold on Ashlyn Copyright 2016 - 2024