Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,59

deal with the car.

Behind him, he could hear Cora crying. Could also hear Gloria trying to soothe her.

“Remy, you need to put down your gun,” Eli warned him. “We have a baby here, and you could hurt her.”

“That baby is my granddaughter,” Dominick spat out. He angled his narrowed eyes back at Remy, who now had him in a choke hold. “So help me, if you put one scratch on her, I will kill you.”

Remy didn’t have a reaction to that, either. He seemed to be in shock as he forced Dominick through the debris from the crash and into the living room. However, Eli rethought that “shock” diagnosis when Remy positioned himself so that his own back was to the wall. It would make it much harder for Kellan to get off that shot. Ditto for Gunnar and Eli. Right now, neither of them could fire because they would almost certainly hit Dominick.

“You need to stop this, Sergeant Slater,” Dominick spat out, saying “Sergeant Slater” as if it were the profanity he added after his demand. “You need to kill this lunatic before he does any more damage.”

“And you need to stay quiet,” Eli told him. It definitely wouldn’t help if Dominick agitated Remy even more than he already was.

Dominick glared at Eli and gave him a look that could have frozen hell. Apparently, the man wasn’t going to make this easy, so Eli needed to try to defuse this as fast as he could.

Through the gaping hole in the front of the house, Eli saw Kellan and one of the hands inching toward the car. Since the smoke was still spewing from it, maybe they’d be able to deal with that. If Remy let them, that is. If Remy saw them, he might try to shoot them. And that’s why Eli had to keep Remy occupied.

“Before you crashed your car into the house, I had Gus on the phone,” Eli told him. Not a lie but what he would say next would be. “He agreed not to move Marta’s body, and yes, he’ll put that in writing.”

Gus would probably agree to it only to appease Remy enough to have him put an end to this, but Eli was betting there was no way Gus was going to let Marta’s body stay where it was.

Remy didn’t say anything, but his gaze continued to fire around the room and toward the car. His eyes were wild, and his hand was shaking. Clearly, he wasn’t in control, which made this situation even more dangerous.

Kellan leaned into the smoking car, and using his hat, he batted at the flames. Eli couldn’t tell if he’d managed to put out the fire because there was still plenty of smoke. Smoke that was seeping into the house.

“I need a car or truck so I can get out of here,” Remy finally said.

Eli huffed. Well, at least it was a demand he could work with. A demand that didn’t make sense, though. “Why’d you crash your own car if that’s what you wanted?”

Remy shook his head, and yeah, he was dazed. “I didn’t intend on doing that. It just happened.”

“I was trying to get away from him,” Dominick volunteered, “and the idiot jammed his foot on the accelerator.”

So that hadn’t been part of the plan. Of course, neither had Remy holding Dominick at gunpoint in the living room.

“Obviously, we’re not dealing with a bright bulb here,” Dominick added in an enraged grumble.

Remy might have been dazed, but he didn’t care much for Dominick’s insult, and he ground the gun even harder against Dominick’s head. “I want a car or truck,” Remy repeated, and his words were suddenly as fierce as his expression. “Get it now. I know Kellan’s out there, and I can use his cruiser.”

Eli nodded. “That can be arranged. I’ll have Kellan bring in the keys.”

“No,” Remy snapped. He glanced out at his car again, and even though Kellan and the hands were no longer in sight, Eli knew they were nearby and waiting to respond.

Dominick huffed. “Like I said, he’s not very bright. You’ll need the keys, moron,” he added, tossing Remy another look from over his shoulder.

Eli wished the man would just shut up, because that put a new layer of rage on Remy’s face. “Tell Kellan to leave the keys in the ignition of the cruiser,” Remy ordered. “I want the engine running and ready to go. And I want her.”

Remy looked past the sofa, past Eli, his attention going into Copyright 2016 - 2024