Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,56

backup. In the distance he could see a vehicle approaching on the ranch road. Kellan. At least he hoped it was. But if not, maybe this vehicle wouldn’t break through the fence, too.

“You don’t need Dominick as a hostage,” Eli told Remy. “You’ve got a gun, and I can’t risk you firing shots this close to the house. That’s enough to keep you safe so you can let Dominick go.”

“He’s staying put,” Remy snapped. “I don’t trust you.”

The feeling was mutual. Of course, Eli wasn’t certain he could trust Dominick, either, but that was something he’d have to work out later.

Gunnar tried Gus’s number again, and Eli finally released the breath he’d been holding when he heard the man answer.

“Tell him what’s going on,” Eli instructed Gunnar, and he turned back to Remy to let him know they’d reached Marta’s father.

Before Eli could do that, though, he heard something he definitely didn’t want to hear.

A gunshot.

* * *

ASHLYN HAD NO trouble realizing someone had just fired a gun, and it sent a jolt of fear and terror through her. After the attacks, she’d become too familiar with that horrible sound. And she knew what it meant.

They were in danger again.

Turning to go to Cora, she was about to shout for Eli to get down. He was right at the little window by the door, and a bullet could easily go through the glass and kill him. But Eli mumbled something to Gunnar, something she didn’t catch, and the deputy turned and ran toward her. Gunnar shoved his phone into his jeans pocket, took her by the arm and moved her into the open doorway of the bedroom that Eli had been using.

“Go into the bathroom,” Gunnar told her.

She frantically shook her head. “I need to make sure Cora’s okay,” Ashlyn insisted, fighting to get out of his grip.

“I’ll do that. You go into the bathroom.”

Ashlyn didn’t do as he’d ordered. She stood there, watching, and she had to fight against all her maternal instincts to go with the deputy. She was the one who should be checking on her child. She should be there to protect Cora if she needed it. However, Ashlyn could see into the room when Gunnar eased open the door. Gloria was already out of bed, and she had a sleeping Cora clutched to her.

“Go in there,” Gunnar instructed, tipping his head to the attached bath. “Lock the door behind you. Then, get in the tub with her and stay down until I tell you it’s okay to come out.”

It was a small claw-foot tub, only large enough for one person, but Ashlyn thought it was deep enough that it would protect Cora and Gloria if someone fired another bullet.

She prayed it was enough.

Gloria hurried into the bathroom and disappeared out of sight. Ashlyn’s fear spiked even higher, and the jolt of adrenaline she got made it nearly impossible to stay put. She wanted to take her baby and run to safety, but she had to remind herself that right now staying put could be the right thing to do.

Ashlyn glanced back at the bathroom that Eli had used earlier. It was just as small as the other one, and instead of a tub, it had a shower. She hadn’t gone inside it, but she was certain it wouldn’t have the space for Gloria, Cora and her.

“Remy?” Eli shouted, and she realized he was talking into his phone. “Are you there?” If Remy answered, she couldn’t hear what the man said.

“What’s happening?” Ashlyn asked Gunnar when he came back to her. “Did Remy fire that shot?”

“We’re not sure yet. It looks as if Remy’s taken Dominick hostage, and it sounded as if some kind of struggle was going on in the car.”

Oh, mercy. Dominick a hostage? One that Remy had brought here to the ranch. That was more than enough for her to process, but Ashlyn hadn’t missed Gunnar’s “looks as if Remy’s taken Dominick hostage.”

“You think Remy could be lying?” she asked.

Gunnar lifted his shoulder. “Remy’s definitely not thinking straight, and he said he wants to use Dominick to get Gus to agree not to move Marta.” Gunnar didn’t look at her though when he spoke. He kept his attention nailed to Eli.

So if Remy had told them the truth, this was about Marta and maybe didn’t have anything to do with the other attacks. That didn’t mean, though, that one of them couldn’t be hurt.

“I need a gun,” Ashlyn told him. “Just in case Copyright 2016 - 2024