Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,52

he wondered how the heck he’d ever resisted her in the first place.

Ashlyn melted right into the kiss. She melted right against him, too. With her hand trapped between them, she pressed her body to his, a reminder of just how well they fit together.

Eli deepened the kiss, letting it fan the fire even more until the kiss and the body contact weren’t enough. He needed more, and judging from the way Ashlyn was struggling to touch more of him, she felt the same way.

Her free hand slid down his back, urging him closer and closer, and the sound that she made in her throat was one of pure desire. Eli hadn’t needed anything else to rev him up, but that did it.

He shoved up her top, lowered his head and kissed the tops of her breasts. All in all, that was a good way to take things to next level, but soon it wasn’t enough, either, and Eli found himself backing Ashlyn across the room. First, he locked the door, and then he led her in the direction of the bed—while he kissed her again.

They fell back, sinking into the feather mattress while the sides of it swelled around them. Everything around them was soft. Except for Eli. And he could feel his body going steely hard.

Ashlyn went after his neck, kissing him there, while she fought with his shirt to get the buttons undone. It wasn’t easy since Eli was waging his own battle against her clothes. He finally managed to peel off her top, then he pushed down her bra so he could kiss her breasts.

She stopped with his buttons, arched her back to move her breasts even closer to his mouth, and she made another of those sounds of pleasure. Since it was something she obviously liked, Eli lingered there a few more seconds until the urgency kicked in again, and Ashlyn went after his zipper. As soon as she got it down, she slid her hand down into his boxers.

He could have sworn his eyes crossed. It certainly robbed him of what little breath he had. Eli ground his teeth and let her touch spear the pleasure through him.

Man, he wanted Ashlyn, and he wanted her now.

Eli had to push her hand away so he could get his jeans unzipped. Ashlyn finally gave up her touching quest and helped him with that. Together, they shimmied off her jeans. Her panties, too.

“Now,” she insisted.

He definitely wanted to give her “now,” but Eli kissed her again and skimmed his hand from her breasts down to the inside of her thighs. That was pleasure for both of them, because Ashlyn ground herself against him, seeking the cure for the pressure cooker of heat that they’d built together.

She repeated her “now” while she groped the waist of his jeans to get them down. As much as Eli was enjoying the kissing, he knew it was time to cut the foreplay and finish this. He got off his boots and jeans and remembered to take the condom from his wallet before he tossed his clothes and boxers onto the floor.

He kept it gentle as he slipped inside her and even stilled to give Ashlyn a moment to adjust to the pressure of him filling her. But Eli quickly learned that it wasn’t gentleness she wanted. Ashlyn hooked her leg around his lower back and gave him a push while she lifted her hips to meet his thrust.

Eli took things from there. It was obvious she didn’t want him to treat her like someone fragile or broken, so he didn’t hold back. He gave her, and himself, exactly what they needed. The movement came harder. Faster. And with each plunge inside her, it took them closer and closer to the edge.

Ashlyn went over first, the climax rippling through her and gripping on to him like a fist. After that, Eli couldn’t have hung on even if he’d wanted to. His body needed release.

And he needed Ashlyn.

Those ripples of her body coaxed and pushed him until Eli buried his face against her neck and let himself go.

* * *

ASHLYN HADN’T REMEMBERED to keep her scars hidden away. That was a first for her, but then sex with Eli apparently could rid her of any self-consciousness, including what she had about those scars from her gunshot wounds.

Of course, he’d already seen them because she’d shown them to him. However, that’d been a quick glimpse, and it would likely be a whole lot more Copyright 2016 - 2024