Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,39

not.” The anger flared through Remy’s eyes again. “I had no idea. I went to her funeral. I watched them put her coffin in the ground.”

Eli didn’t point out that a burial could be faked as well as a death. Instead, he went with another facet of this. “Did you steal Marta’s hospital and funeral home records?” he came out and asked.

“No,” Remy howled while the lawyer barked out a protest about Eli badgering his client. The noise must have alerted Kellan because he stepped into the hall with them.

“A problem?” Kellan calmly said.

“Yes!” Remy snapped. “Your brother just accused me of murder.”

Eli lifted his shoulder. “I hadn’t gotten around to doing that, not specifically, but the question would have come up soon enough. A missing body and files. A dead mortician. And you with a recent inheritance. That could all equal a whole lot of felonies.”

That set the lawyer off howling again, and Kellan merely tipped his head to the interview room. “Why don’t I start this interrogation with Remy? There’s something on my desk that I think you need to see.”

Part of Eli wanted to stay put and yank the information from Remy, but judging from Kellan’s expression, whatever was on his desk was important.

Eli put his hand on Ashlyn’s back to get her moving out of the hall. They didn’t get far, though. That’s because Oscar came in.

“I don’t appreciate being ordered in here like this,” Oscar grumbled.

“Welcome to the club.” Eli tipped his head to Remy. “Others feel the same as you.”

Oscar looked at Remy just as Remy turned in his direction. Their gazes practically collided. “I know you,” Remy spat out.

Oscar’s eyes narrowed. “So? A lot of people know me.”

“You were friends with Drake.” Remy’s eyes had narrowed, too. “You’re the one who helped Leon set up the attack in that alley.”

Eli hadn’t counted on being the one who was surprised today, but that did it. “How’d you know Oscar and Drake were friends?” Eli asked Remy.

Remy’s shoulders snapped back again, just as they’d done when Eli had told him about Marta’s empty coffin. But this time it wasn’t shock, pretend or otherwise. Eli was pretty sure this was raw anger.

“How did you know Oscar and Drake were friends?” Eli repeated when Remy didn’t answer.

“I need to talk with my client,” the lawyer insisted, taking Remy by the arm. Remy didn’t put up a protest when the attorney led him into the interview room.

Since this delay might give Remy plenty of time to doctor his answer, Eli turned to Oscar. “You know Remy?”

Oscar didn’t dodge the question. “I know of him. He was Marta’s hotheaded boyfriend. I’m guessing he’s got some kind of grudge against me. Like you,” he added to Eli.

“No grudge,” Eli assured him. “Just looking for the truth.”

Kellan took things from there. “Come this way to interview room two, and we can get started. No lawyer?”

“He’s on the way,” Oscar said, but his attention wasn’t on them. It was on the room where Remy’s attorney had taken him.

Later, Eli would want to know if Oscar was the one who was holding grudges and if the man knew anything about Marta’s whereabouts. For now, though, Eli sent off a text to one of his Ranger friends to request a favor, and then he went with Ashlyn to Kellan’s office. It didn’t take him long to see the report that his brother had left for him on the center of his desk.

“It’s the detailed financials on Dominick that the Rangers ran,” Eli relayed to her as he scanned through it. It didn’t take him long to see what had caught Kellan’s eye.

A second bank account that had been hidden under several layers of security.

Ashlyn made a strangled sound of surprise because she’d seen it, too. And the info just below that.

Dominick obviously had some explaining to do.

Chapter Eleven

Twenty-five thousand dollars.

That was a lot of money, and Ashlyn immediately thought of how Dominick could have used it—to hire those three gunmen.

“Yeah,” Eli grumbled, letting her know they were having the same train of thought. “He’s got means, motive and opportunity.”

Dominick did, but it sickened her to even consider that he’d want her dead so he would stand a better chance of getting custody of Cora. And that sent a new wave of alarm through her.

“Olive Landry. Cora’s biological mother,” she managed to say. “She could be in danger.”

Eli nodded so quickly that it meant he’d already considered it. “I alerted Austin PD to the possibility Copyright 2016 - 2024