Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,33

was trying to thrust both a relationship and fatherhood on him. “Sorry. That didn’t sound right.”

He lifted his shoulder and seemed more, well, amused than manipulated. The expression didn’t last long, though. His forehead bunched up, and he hurried out of the room.

“Stay away from the windows,” Eli warned her as he ran.

The chill rippled over her skin, and just like that, her heart began to pound. With her suitcase gripped in her hand, Ashlyn followed Eli and saw him in the kitchen. She didn’t go closer because there was a wall of windows above the sink and counter, and from those windows, she had a clear view of the barn.

“What’s wrong?” she asked once she had gathered enough breath to speak.

Eli didn’t jump to answer, and he continued to fire his gaze around the yard and barn. “Maybe nothing. I thought I saw someone, but I could be wrong.”

She wanted to believe that. Ashlyn wanted to latch onto it so she could try to tamp down the nerves that were now raw and hot.

“I’m texting Gunnar to have him come back inside,” Eli added a moment later. “We’re leaving.”

Good. She didn’t want to be there if there was some kind of danger, and she set down her suitcase, waiting to find out what was going on.

Eli took out his phone, but he didn’t manage to send the text before the bullet came crashing through the window.

* * *

ELI DIDN’T SEE the shot coming, but he sure as hell heard it. And he felt it.

The glass exploded, sending sharp pieces right at him, and he felt one of those pieces slice across his sleeve and arm. There was a quick jolt of pain, which he ignored, because he lunged at Ashlyn, pulling her to the floor with him.

They fell hard, causing Eli to see stars when he crashed onto the floor. Not a second too soon. Because another bullet bashed through the window and into the kitchen.

“Gunnar,” Ashlyn said on a rise of breath.

Yeah, Eli hadn’t forgotten about the deputy and hoped like the devil that he’d also taken cover. Better yet, Eli wanted Gunnar to be able to take out whoever was firing those shots. There was no chance this was just some random attack, and that meant either there was another hired gun or the boss was there to make sure the job was done right.

That sent a slam of rage through him. Here Ashlyn was in danger again, and they still didn’t know why this was happening or who was behind it. That would change, though. As soon as he could get her safely out of here, Eli would make certain that he caught this SOB. First, however, he had to get Ashlyn out of here.

Eli’s phone dinged with a text. Gunnar. Anyone hit? Do you have eyes on the shooter?

No to both, Eli texted back. He nearly added for Gunnar to make sure he stayed out of Eli’s line of fire, but it wasn’t necessary. Gunnar was a good cop and knew that Eli would be looking for this snake.

“Stay down,” Eli told Ashlyn.

“You stay down, too,” she insisted, her voice shaking.

No way could he do that. He couldn’t give the shooter a chance to move closer to the house so he or she would have a kill shot.

Eli got up, took his backup weapon from his ankle holster and slid it her way. It would probably make her even more terrified than she already was, but the security system wasn’t on, and that meant someone could sneak in. If that happened, he at least wanted her to have something to protect herself.

“Keep watch on the front door,” he added. Again, that wasn’t going to steady it, but Ashlyn was smart so she’d not only keep an eye out, she’d also listen for any sounds of footsteps.

“I have my phone now,” Ashlyn said. “I’ll text Kellan and tell him what’s going on.”

His brother would send backup, and it wouldn’t take long for someone to get there. But Eli hoped he had this situation under control before a cruiser could respond. This time, though, maybe he’d be able to only injure the person so he could take them alive. And question them.

Two more shots came, but these didn’t go crashing into the window. They hit the back door, a sign that the shooter was indeed moving. But Eli wouldn’t stand still, either. He had to at least know the person’s position to be able to stop them.

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