Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,24

night of her attack,” Kellan added, “but we need to be sure.”

Yes, they did. And a few minutes ago, Ashlyn would have insisted that she needed no such proof as seeing her friend’s body. But now with the mortician’s murder, it was something that had to be investigated.

The memories of Marta’s murder came, of course, and like always they were smeared together with the pain of her own shooting. With the anger and betrayal she felt about Eli. But that had changed, too, she realized.

Everything had changed.

“Why would Marta have faked her death?” Ashlyn asked when some of the numbing shock finally wore off.

“Maybe she wasn’t the one who did it,” Eli said, but his attention wasn’t on her. It was on the front door, and she followed his gaze to the man who’d just stepped in.


She wanted to ask why Remy, or anyone else for that matter, would do something like that, but Remy spotted them, too, and he made a beeline toward them.

Ashlyn stood, steeling herself up for what would no doubt be an onslaught of anger fueled by grief. Until today, she’d understood that, but now she looked at Remy as someone who might have tried to murder Eli and her.

Had he actually done that?

She studied him as he stormed closer. Tall with black hair and dark brown eyes. Attractive in a bad-boy sort of way. A way that had certainly appealed to Marta. Even after Marta had turned her life around and gone straight, she’d kept that thing she had for bad boys.

“I don’t appreciate getting a threat about being arrested.” Remy aimed that snarl at Eli. “My lawyer still hasn’t shown up.”

“Then get him here right now because you’ve had more than enough time,” Eli fired back, and his snarl was harder than Remy’s. “We’ve got questions, and you’re going to give us those answers.”

Remy flickered an annoyed glance at Ashlyn. This time, she saw the blame he sent her way. Blame for what Remy saw as her part in not preventing Marta’s death. Or at least that’s what she thought it was, but maybe it was all an act. Because maybe Marta wasn’t actually dead.

“Yeah, yeah,” Remy grumbled to Eli once his gaze was back on him. “Somebody tried to off you, and you’re looking to pin it on me.”

“I’m looking for the truth,” Eli assured him. “I heard you inherited some money, and once your lawyer’s here, I’ll want to ask you some questions about how you might have used those funds. After all, hired guns cost big bucks.”

Remy gave him an arctic stare. “I didn’t do that, and you’ve got no proof that I did.”

Eli lifted his shoulder. “I’ll be pressing you more about that—again when your lawyer gets here. And after you’ve cleared up that matter, I’ll want to know if you helped Marta fake her death.”

Remy had already turned to leave, but that stopped him in his tracks. “What did you say?”

“You lawyered up,” Eli reminded him, and yes, there was some cocky smugness in his tone and expression. “I can’t talk to you about that until he or she gets here.”

Remy’s glare vanished, replaced by some confusion. He frantically shook his head. “Marta faked her death?” That certainly didn’t seem like old news to him. His eyes were wide now, and his mouth was slightly open.

“You lawyered up,” Eli repeated.

“To hell with the lawyer.” Remy practically knocked into her when he rushed toward the desk where Eli was standing. “Is Marta alive?” He volleyed glances at all three of them while he repeated the question.

“Are you waiving your right to counsel?” Kellan clarified.

“Yes!” Remy snapped. “Now tell me about Marta.”

Kellan read the man his rights first, and with each word of the Miranda warning, Remy’s impatience skyrocketed. “Is she alive?” Remy shouted.

“We don’t know. That’s the truth,” Eli added when Remy looked ready to yell again. “Someone stole her records and murdered the mortician who handled her remains. Tell me what you know about that.”

Remy dropped back a step, and he pressed his hand to his chest. “Nothing. I don’t know anything about it.” He dragged in some rough breaths, and his gaze slashed to Ashlyn. “You saw her dead. You told me you saw her dead.”

“I did.” Of course, now Ashlyn had to wonder if what she’d seen was true.

“I felt for a pulse,” Eli went on, “and she didn’t have one. Marta was dead at the scene. I’d bet my badge on that.”

Remy shook his head. “But Copyright 2016 - 2024