Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,20


“I just don’t want Dominick to spring any surprises on you. I don’t want him trying to get temporary custody because he could convince a judge that you can’t keep Cora safe.”

He expected for that to put some alarm in those already emotion-heavy eyes. It didn’t. Ashlyn shook her head. “He has no legal claim.”

“What if you were out of the picture?” he added.

Now there was some alarm. “You mean if I were dead.” The breath that she blew out was part huff. “It still wouldn’t happen.” But she didn’t sound exactly convinced of that.

Eli wasn’t convinced of it, either, and even though Dominick might not have a legal claim to the child, the truth was, the birth mother also wouldn’t have a claim, because she’d signed the papers and was the only surviving birth parent. Custody would be up in the air since Ashlyn didn’t have any close family heirs. That could create the right amount of custody chaos for Dominick to make his move.

He didn’t spell that out for Ashlyn. Planting that seed was enough to make her even more aware—and skeptical—of anything Dominick said.

When they made it to the interview room, Kellan was already there waiting for them. “Dominick wants to talk to you first,” he told Ashlyn, “and then you’ll have to leave for the actual interview. You can watch from the observation room though if you like.”

She nodded, murmured a thanks, and she walked in behind Kellan when he opened the door. Eli had no trouble spotting Dominick because he recognized him from his driver’s license photo that Eli had pulled up during his background search on the man. Dominick was tall with a well-toned build. Despite the thread of gray in his dark brown hair, he looked ten years younger than he actually was.

There were two guys wearing suits on either side of Dominick, and one of them stood when Dominick did. The lawyers gave Eli the once-over with some stink eye thrown in, but Dominick nailed his gaze to Ashlyn.

“Where’s Cora?” Dominick immediately asked. “Is she all right?” He went to Ashlyn and reached out for her. The man likely would have grabbed her by the shoulders if Eli hadn’t stepped in front of him.

Dominick spared him a glance, one laced with annoyance, before he glared at Ashlyn. “Where is she?” Dominick repeated.

“Cora’s fine,” Ashlyn answered.

Eli wasn’t sure how she managed it, but her voice stayed cool. As did the stare she gave Dominick. She was likely sizing him up, trying to figure out if there was a trace of guilt.

“I want to see her.” Dominick made that demand through clenched teeth.

“She’s in protective custody,” Eli volunteered. “No visitors allowed.”

This time Dominick gave him more than just a glance, and the annoyance went up a huge notch. “I’m Cora’s grandfather.”

“Not legally, and if this is why you wanted to talk to Ashlyn, then you’ve wasted her time and yours.” Eli took hold of her hand, turning as if to leave, and it got the exact reaction he wanted.

“You can’t just go,” Dominick snapped. “You must know I’m worried sick about my granddaughter being put in danger like that. Gunmen,” he spat out like profanity. “It’s obvious someone’s after Ashlyn, and Cora could get hurt. She’ll need more protection than what some local badge can give her.”

Eli tapped his badge. “I’m a Texas Ranger, and since both Ashlyn and Cora are unharmed and safe, I think I did an okay job. Plus, I don’t have any ulterior motives of trying to get custody of Cora. Unlike you.”

Dominick pulled back his shoulders. There was the heat from temper in his expression, but it only lasted a few seconds before the ice came. Oh, yeah. He was capable of hiring thugs to come after Ashlyn.

“Are you suggesting that my client was responsible for the attack?” one of the lawyers snarled.

Eli lifted his shoulder. “If the overly priced shoe fits...”

That brought the other lawyer lurching out of his chair, but with his cold stare still on Eli, Dominick waved the man down after only sparing him a glance. Obviously, Dominick was accustomed to having even his unspoken orders followed.

“I have an alibi for last night,” Dominick said, tossing some of that chilly shade on Ashlyn. “Of course, you could say that doesn’t matter, that I could have hired those men. But I didn’t.”

“Can you prove that?” Ashlyn asked, taking the question right out of Eli’s mouth. He tried not to beam with pride, but that was some Copyright 2016 - 2024