Serenading Heartbreak - Ella Fields Page 0,21

kicking up sand behind him. “That fucking bonfire over there. Come sit with us.”

I looked up at him, squinting, then over at the people dancing and drinking around the fire. “Nah. Too far.”

Mark chuckled, then went to take a seat. “I’ll just hang here with you gals, then.”

“No, you won’t. Fuck off, Jones.”

All three of us did a double take at the sound of Everett’s voice.

“Hey, man. Good show?” Mark staggered back as Everett’s shadow darkened the sand in front of me.

“Yeah, great. Bye.”

With a wink, Mark saluted us, then jogged back over the sand to the fire.

“Hey, Everett.”

“Hi,” he said to Adela.

I didn’t know what was funnier—Everett telling Mark to fuck off, or the fact that I was drunk and he seemed to be the sober one for once. I laughed at both.

“What’s so funny, Clover?” He dropped down beside me. “Shit, you’re tanked.”

“That’s what’s funny.”

“Oh, look. I think I see Gabby,” Adela slurred, non-convincingly. “I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

“She’s going home,” Everett said. “Want us to take you?”

Adela grabbed the vodka, swinging it beside her as she began walking away. “No thanks, three’s a crowd and all that.” I didn’t want her wandering off on her own, but I knew she was likely heading home.

“She knows,” Everett said once she was out of earshot.

“Duh, she’s my best friend.”

“Fuck,” he spat. “Clover…”

I turned into him, my finger rising to those decadent lips. “Shhh. She’s known for a while and hasn’t breathed a word. Chill.”

“Chill?” he repeated, taking my finger and depositing it back in my lap. “This can’t turn—”

“Gah, don’t ruin my buzz, Ever.” I got to my feet, swaying until he jumped up and righted me.

“Ever?” His hold loosened.

Fluttering my lashes, I nodded. “Let’s go make out under the pier.”

He tugged me back to him. “We can’t.”

“We can, the ocean says so.”

“The ocean?” His brow arched.

“Listen to it,” I said, hearing the waves crash beneath the sound of humans littering the beach. “It doesn’t judge or care.”

“You’re drunk.” His lips thinned. “Let’s go.”

“I’m not that drunk. I’d want to make out with you even if I hadn’t had one drop of alcohol.” At his resolute expression, I snatched my hand from his. “Wait, so we can make out in my room but nowhere else?”

Everett cursed, glancing around to see if anyone was within hearing distance. Then he started walking.

I followed, or tried to, slipping over grooves of sand in my flip-flops. “Where are you going?”

“Just keep walking,” he said.

I frowned, knowing why he refused to wait but not liking it.

We entered the parking lot, and I saw Dale’s car down at the end beneath the bridge that crossed the lagoon to enter town.

“How was the show?” I asked when he stopped, waiting for me to catch up. “You’re not drunk.”

“Because I wanted to see you, and you weren’t there or at home.” Annoyance lined his voice.

“Home,” I said, smiling. “Sorry.”

He said nothing and opened the door of Dale’s Camry for me to climb in.

I shut it, then moved into Everett, pressing my mouth to his chin as my hands roamed down the hard planes of his chest, feeling the dips and bumps of his stomach. “I want you,” I breathed. “Your hands on me, your mouth on mine, and our clothes off.”

“Jesus,” he rasped out.

My tongue licked at the underside of his jaw, over the coarse bristles erupting from his warm skin. Grabbing his head, I tilted it down as I rose to my toes to run my tongue over his lips. “Kiss me, Ever.”

His control snapped, his mouth opening and his tongue diving for mine while his hands dug into my hair. He moved, and then my back was against the cool metal of the car he was reaching to open. “In,” he breathed, ragged.

I knew he was worried someone might see—even though it was dark, and we were far enough away from the beach party for anyone to see a thing—so I did as I was told. Before doing so, I ripped off my dress, laughing softly at the way his eyes widened. Then, in only my baby blue panties and matching frill-laden bra, I crawled over the back seat.

Turning, I leaned against the door and crooked a finger for him to come to me.

He did, and I’d never felt more thankful for the brazenness that came with the consumption of alcohol. I’d dreamed of us in these scenarios for what felt like years, and now, I finally had the nerve to make Copyright 2016 - 2024