Sensual Breeder (Delivering the Dirty Thirty #1) - Miranda Bridges Page 0,29

neither does she have rosy cheeks. Those I wish were still present.

If I asked Giselle about her favorite f-word, I’m sure that would bring about the response I am wanting. I won’t though. I have spent too much time conversing with her as is.

After situating myself in the captain’s chair, I take the ship’s controls off automatic and put them to manual, preferring to have command over the vessel. The female sits quietly with her legs tucked under her and her chin propped on a fist.


At the sound of her lilting voice, I shift my gaze to her fully. With great slowness she turns her head, and her blue eyes lock onto mine. No matter what anyone else’s opinion might be, I find the hue of her eyes enchanting.

After I give her a nod, she inhales and releases the air through her pink lips, drawing my attention. Many females have tried to press their mouths to mine in a kiss, and each time they were rejected by me. I was not raised with affection, nor have I witnessed it until recently. The act itself is not necessary when fucking, but it seems as though females want that before and after sex. I always avoid this—because like touching, it’s unwanted and unpleasant to me—by taking my lovers from behind, ensuring their faces are nowhere near mine. That position also keeps their hands preoccupied or restrained, and this is a must for me.

What would it be like to kiss Giselle?

I trail my gaze over her lips, imagining them on mine, and the vision is pleasant, much to my surprise. And when I picture those same lips on my cock? It hardens with a swiftness that almost leaves me light-headed due to loss of blood in the upper half of my body. Fucking Giselle is not an option, no matter how much my cock now aches at the sight of her. I fold my arms to keep from grazing my erection with the heel of my hand in order to adjust it.

The female may not need time alone, but it’s apparent I do if I want relief.

How long has it been since I’ve sunk into a warm and wet cunt? Too long. Much, much too long. That must be why Giselle appeals to me. It cannot be anything else.

“What is it?” I ask, my voice deceptively calm considering the sexual fantasies bombarding me.

“I know you haven’t wanted to disclose much concerning your role in my abduction, and I understand that.” She turns to face the front window, and her dainty profile is now available for me to peruse as much as I want without unsettling her. “But can you tell me what happened to the other women?”

Her lips, the same ones I want to taste at my leisure, slightly tremble. However, the infinitesimal action does not escape my notice; nothing about her does. I run through the list of reasons I should not give her the information she’s wanting, starting with the fact she’s cargo and ending with the fact she belongs to another.

But right now? None of that matters.

My only concern at this moment is offering her comfort in whatever way she will receive it from me. The fierce need to get her away from the auction and to safety is what precipitated my desire to take care of her. After that I wanted nothing more than to feed her and see to it that she rested. And now?

I cannot stomach the idea of her staying miserable.

This may not break any code of honor among me and my brothers, but I know they would not approve of my behavior if they knew. It is fortunate we’ve never taken on this type of delivery before, or I would be forced to choose between my loyalty to them and my attraction to Giselle.

“The bounty hunters locked onto our ship because you have trackers in your blood,” I say.

She jerks in her seat and brings her widened gaze to mine, allowing me to read every emotion that skims across her beautiful face.

“The nanobots will not kill you, but in order to remove them, I have to take you to someone that can recycle your blood supply. It’s a lengthy process, and there are only so many places that offer this service.”

What I do not say is that the bounty hunters were sent by Evren, who injected nanobots inside me and my brothers. We were almost captured more than once after we escaped, and that’s what Copyright 2016 - 2024