Semi-Sweet On You (Hot Cakes #4) - Erin Nicholas Page 0,79

why do you care if I have friends?”

He pulled in a breath and wet his lips. “Because I want to be the one who gives you what you need.”

His words were husky and they hit her in the gut. Heat spread and she sucked in a breath. That sounded very protective. Almost possessive. Yet, comforting at the same time.

“Really?” she asked. “You think I need this?”

He met her eyes directly. “Yes.”

“You could feel smug about that,” she said. “You could be happy that I’ve been pretty lonely and unhappy all this time.”

Again, his jaw ticked. “I guess. But I don’t. Not a bit. It makes me crazy knowing that you haven’t had what you wanted and needed.”

She stared at him. Wow. This was all so unexpected. Everything about Cam being back had been unexpected. From the chemistry still between them to how he’d just rolled with everything going on with Didi to… this.

“You wanted me to be happy without you?” she asked, her voice a little husky now too.

“No.” He blew out a breath. “I don’t know. No, I didn’t want you to be happy without me, exactly, but it makes me nuts that you’ve been alone and feeling… not good enough and not valued and not fulfilled. It’s… confusing as fuck.”

She laughed softly. “Actually, I get it,” she said, realizing that she really did.


“I’ve been really happy that you have been so successful. I watched your football career and, of course, everything that’s happened with Fluke and I’ve been proud and happy about how that all turned out. Even though I really missed you and it made me sad to be without you.”

His eyes flashed at that and Whitney had the definite impression that he wanted to reach out and pull her in close.

“And,” she went on. “When I watch you with the guys, and with Piper, I’m so, so happy that you have them. Even while I’m jealous of how well they know you and all the memories they have with you.”

She saw him ball his hand into a fist, as if fighting that urge to reach out.

“So,” she said. “I get what you’re feeling a little, I think. I care about you enough to want you to be happy but I also care enough to be a little sad that I’m not a part of it.”

He nodded. “I definitely hate that you haven’t been happy. And I definitely want to be a part of making you happy. And I’m pretty thrilled that what you need is friends, because I have some of the best and I’m happy to share. That is, at least, something I can give you.”

She smiled even as her throat tightened. Being friends with him and him realizing how important this Hot Cakes project was to her was amazing. She didn’t have to worry about hurting him or choosing work over him and ruining everything.

And the intense desire to step forward and wrap her arms around him and beg him to cover her in chocolate sauce was just a product of that relief and gratitude.


“For the record, it’s also nice to have a friend helping with Didi. I’m kind of winging it there too.”

He smiled. “When I first came back to town, if someone had told me this”—he looked around the kitchen—“is where you and I would be, I never would have believed them.”

She nodded. “I know.” It seemed crazy on the surface that the person who knew about Didi and was helping her with the caregiving was Camden McCaffery. Yet… it didn’t feel crazy. “And I—” She took a breath. “I trust you. If you think her playing video games with Henry is good, then… it’s good. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Whitney shrugged. “My philosophy is pretty simple—when I’m her age and I know I’m running out of time to remember the fun and the people that matter, then I’m going to do what I want, when I want. If I want burgers at three a.m. with my granddaughter or margaritas by the pool at nine a.m. with my granddaughter’s ex-boyfriend, then, yeah, I’m going to do that. And pray I’ve got people around me who will let me, while keeping me safe.”

Cam just looked at her for a few beats. Then he nodded. “So you do know what you’re doing.”

That surprised her. She laughed lightly. “I don’t think so.”

“You’re making her happy and doing it out of love. That’s what you should be doing.”

Whitney stared at him.

“You okay?” he asked.

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