Semi-Sweet On You (Hot Cakes #4) - Erin Nicholas Page 0,71

and they wouldn’t make it through a whole class. She hadn’t wanted to disrupt class for everyone else and, if she were being honest, she wanted to have a full class. She loved yoga.

As for the east warriors, she assumed that was something about Warriors of Easton, the guys’ video game, but she’d had no idea that Didi knew how to play, not to mention being good enough to win. Then again, Whitney knew nothing about the game. She’d stubbornly ignored learning anything about it over the years because, while she was happy for Cam and happy to have been proven right, it was also a reminder that she had, in fact, been right about him being better off without her.

Moving on from that, Whitney thought about the rest of what Didi had said.

It was possible that Cam had made her grandmother mashed potatoes and margaritas today.

But Didi also thought Cam had been here for a few weeks.

“He’s such a good man, Whitney.”

Whitney tipped her head to look up at her grandmother. Didi might not know what day it was for sure or how many she’d spent with Cam, but Whitney could see that she was perfectly aware of what she was saying right now.

And she was right. Cam was a good man. “I know.”

“Different than what we’re used to.”

Whitney felt her chest tighten. He was that too. So different. She and her grandmother had never specifically talked about the sexism and neglect in their family. It would have been like discussing ugly furniture. Why mention it when it was right there and so obvious and they both clearly saw it and hated it? But it had bonded them. Didi’s support of her had always meant so much and it was why Whitney really wanted Hot Cakes to be the company it should be—a company that Didi could be proud of, run the way she would have run it.

“He’s definitely very different,” she agreed.

Didi’s hand squeezed hers. “I’m so glad. You deserve that. He sees what you’re worth. And he’ll help you see it too.”

Whitney felt her eyes prickling with tears. She sniffed. “You’ve always helped me see what I’m worth.”

“I’m glad.” Didi leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “But you can never be loved too much. And I think Camden is going to love you like you’ve never been loved.”

Whitney felt her breath catch in her lungs and she had to force herself to breathe out.

Wow. That was… a lot. A lot that she really couldn’t deal with right now.

How many margaritas had Didi had today? Maybe that explained some of this.

Well, there was one person who would know for sure. She should probably go talk to Cam. About the margaritas. And how Didi’s day had been from his perspective. Yes, that made sense. She should for sure check in with him. About the margaritas.

“I love you, Grandma,” she said, lifting Didi’s hand to her lips and pressing a kiss there.

“I love you too, my darling.”

“I’m going to go say goodnight to Cam and then head to bed.” Whitney pushed herself up to the edge of the bed. “Are you good? Need anything?”

“I’m fine, darling,” Didi said with a wave of her hand. “Go spend time with your man. Give him a big kiss for me.”

She winked. Didi actually winked at her.

Whitney was torn. She really should correct Didi about Cam being her man and him loving her and everything being wonderful now going forward. But then again, it was harmless, right? Just like letting her eat burgers at 3 a.m. Okay, it might be a gray area. Just like the middle-of-the-night burgers were. But Cam staying here was temporary and Didi would, unfortunately, eventually forget about it. Just like, eventually, she wouldn’t be able to eat those burgers anymore. At 3 a.m. or otherwise.

Whitney felt her eyes stinging as she headed down the stairs. For as long as she could, she was going to do things that made her grandmother happy. Even if it involved Cam and spicy aioli.

She stepped into the kitchen and found Cam apron-less with the most decadent-looking chocolate bars on the counter in front of him.

As if she needed anything else to make him tempting.

“Hey, you’re home,” he greeted.

“Yeah. A little bit ago. I was just up with Grandma.”

He nodded and stretched plastic wrap over the top of the pan. “She settled down?”

“For now.”

“She had a big day so I’m wondering if she’ll be up a little later than usual.”

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