Semi-Psychic Life (Glimmer Lake #2) - Elizabeth Hunter Page 0,66

at Val. “And I’m calling Rachel as soon as we get back in range. I’m letting her know that it’s over and I want her to move out as soon as she can.” He shrugged. “She already moved a lot of stuff to her friend’s house, I think.”

Val nodded. “Very adult of you.”

“So we have a plan.” Josh nodded. “I should go out and get more wood. Get the path to the shed dug out so we can get the sleds out.”

Val stood. “I’ll clean up the house and the breakfast dishes, Sully can go talk to Bill, and you get shoveling then.” She was feeling optimistic. They ought to be back in Glimmer Lake before noon as long as the path wasn’t too snowed over. Even with that, the machines were designed for fresh powder, so they’d be able to get out.

Val started clearing the table while Sully and Josh went outside. She turned on the old radio and managed to find a country station to play while she worked. She washed the dishes and set them in the drying rack. She poured the bacon grease into a can near the stove and wiped down the table.

The cabin was basic but comfortable, and Val tried to imagine Savannah Anderson living there or even visiting. It was light-years away from her fancy house in Pheasant Creek, but it was possible the woman had never wanted that to begin with. It was possible that was all Americano Asshole.

She walked upstairs and shook out the blankets, folding them and storing them in the cedar chest. Then she rolled up the mattress and propped it in the corner near the other mattresses and sleeping bags.

If you brought a bed up to the second floor, you could make it a proper bedroom. Of course, just the mattresses and pillows were pretty comfortable too. She was tempted to ask Josh if she could bring the boys up for camping in the summer, but she hesitated to ask him. She hated owing him anything. Even a favor.

She fluffed all the pillows before she put them in storage tubs, then she headed down the stairs to see how the guys were doing.

She had grabbed another cup of coffee and was just peeking out the front window when she heard the crack.


Val threw on her coat and stuffed her feet in boots, throwing open the door. Sully was running toward the house.

“Back!” He waved a hand and pointed to her. “Get back in the house!”

“Was that a tree branch?”

“Get back in the house!”

“Where’s Josh?” Val’s eyes swept the yard. “What’s—?”

The crack came again, but this time Val knew exactly what it was.

A rifle.

“Josh?” She didn’t leave the porch, but she scooted close to the house. “Josh?”

“Get in the house!” Sully was running, halfway crouched, ducking behind trees as he made his way toward the shed. “I’ve got Josh; get in the damn house, Valerie!”

Val backed toward the front door, but she still couldn’t see Josh. “Where is he?”

Sully ran toward the shed, and another crack broke through the air, making a puff of snow rise just past Sully’s feet.


He bent down and lifted something from the snow. It was Josh’s prone body.

Val’s heart stopped. No. Sully was running across the clearing, exposed to God and whoever was shooting at the house.

“Get in the house.” Sully grunted, hoisting Josh over his shoulder. “He’s not dead.”

Her heart started beating when he reached the steps. She cleared the doorway as Sully came barreling through the front door.

“He’s bleeding,” Val said.

“I think it’s just a graze.” Sully laid Josh down on the couch. The left side of his head was covered in blood, but his color was fine and he groaned a little when Sully moved him.

“Son of a bitch.” Sully stretched his shoulder back. “That man isn’t a lightweight.”

“Get me a kitchen towel.” Val was already cleaning the side of Josh’s face with a handful of paper towels.

Sully was right. The bullet had grazed his temple and ear, but it hadn’t struck his skull. Heads just bled a lot. She put a hand on the wound and held the paper towel to his head. “Josh, can you hear me?”

“The shed door is open and the sleds are out.” Sully walked back with a wet towel in his hand. “He was walking back to the house when I heard the shot. He turned and the second one hit his temple. Would have gotten his head if he hadn’t moved.”

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