Semi-Psychic Life (Glimmer Lake #2) - Elizabeth Hunter Page 0,50

cars. Lots of feelings associated with that, but nothing very clear. Everything from amusement to exhaustion to frustration.

“You getting anything?”

“Lots.” Val ran her hands along the surface. “But nothing that seems relevant.”

It was the smallest drawer she was gearing up for. That was the bottom drawer on the right riser where Val remembered Josh keeping his keys, his wallet, and other personal items while he was at work. It was locked when he kept his stuff in there, but she was hoping he’d left it open.

No such luck.

“Mark, you any good at picking locks?”

He walked over and looked at the lock. “Hmm.”

“Any ideas?”

He cocked his head. “How concerned are you about damaging the toolbox?”

“Not very. I’m the one keeping it from getting confiscated. He’s not allowed to be too pissed at me.”

Mark squatted down so the drawer was in front of his face. “So if this is like most toolbox locks, it has a little metal hook that you have to turn to open it.”


Mark started opening drawers until he found one with a Sawzall. “Let me see if we can get this open.” He slid the reciprocating saw blade through the space at the top of the drawer, flipped it on, and within a few minutes a metal piece went clunk and the drawer slid open. It was a bit mangled, but Val didn’t care.

“Nice work.”

“Thanks.” Mark put the Sawzall away. “You know he didn’t hurt that lady, right?”

“I don’t think so, but how much do I really know the man anymore?” She opened the drawer. “We’ve been divorced for ages. He has a new girlfriend—”

“But you were married to him way longer,” Mark said. “You knew Josh. You know him. He’s a big kid, but he’s not a bad guy.”

“Sure.” Val was skeptical. The small drawer wasn’t full of secrets, but there was an envelope of receipts she was careful not to throw away, and behind that…

“Of course.” Val rolled her eyes. Who else other than Josh would keep a Ziploc bag of fresh condoms in his toolbox?

Mark bit back a smile. “Well, it’s definitely a personal item.”

“Yeah.” She pulled the bag out, trying not to wince. “Oh, this is so gross.” She reached her hand in and felt the foil packets, hoping to get some insight—


In the store holding her hand.

“We can’t let anyone see us.”

She was excited. He was excited.


He cared. There was a tight feeling around his heart.

Why was she married to him?

That guy…

Bad news.


She jerked back into her own mind, her hand clutched around the strip of condoms Josh and Savannah had bought at the drug store. “How long?”

“Not too long,” Mark said, “but your eyes rolled back and you looked like you might fall over.”

“That’s normal.” She could feel the nausea starting to build. “I think that’s all I can do right now.”

“Did you get anything?”

“Yeah.” Val nodded. “A surprise. He cared about her. Savannah. He really cared about her.”

“About Savannah Anderson?”

“Yeah.” She could feel the nausea starting to rise.

“Hey, Val?” Robin called her from outside the storage unit.

“Let me…” She pointed toward the alley. “You mind if I take a break?”

“Go for it,” Mark said. “I’ll keep going here. Walk it off. There’s some water bottles in the truck.”


“Robin?” Val walked out of the unit and toward the truck.

One of West’s younger employees was walking toward the shipping containers. “You need some help back here? I got some free time if you need a hand.”

“That would be awesome. My friend is in there checking all the drawers. If you could help him, that would be great.” She nodded to the young man and then walked across the alley to the truck where Robin was sitting in the bed with her sketchbook. “Let me get a water.”

“I have tea here if you want it.” Robin lifted a travel mug.

“Cool.” She walked over and leaned against the tailgate, reaching for the mug. “What’s up?”

Robin’s hand was on her sketchbook and her eyes were locked on something Val couldn’t see. “Val, say hi to Harry.”

Val turned to the spot where Robin was looking. “Good to meet you, Harry.” She glanced at Robin’s sketchbook and saw a detailed drawing of an old man with a thick head of hair and a full beard. He was built like a bulldog and wore a pair of dark coveralls.

“Harry here was the owner of the garage before West bought it.” Robin paused, clearly listening to something Val couldn’t hear. The corner of her mouth turned up in a half Copyright 2016 - 2024