Seeking the Fae (Daughter of Light #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,46

nothing. Passing next to the second, the urge was a little stronger but not a homerun. Slowing my pace, I crept up to the third house and got a pull so hard that I veered into the side yard almost out of control.

The crystal was here … and so was a sickly energy I’d come to associate with the Sons … except for Liam. Pushing him from my mind, I held up my right fist, signaling to Elle this was the house.

She nodded.

I let my gaze run over the front porch, watching shadows pace inside behind the white sheer curtain. Fluttering my wings, I allowed them to take me just a few feet into the air. A guard paced the back porch, his long brown ponytail tied at the nape of his neck.


There were no open windows from what I could see, so I was going to have to chance the backyard and the roaming guard that stood there. Wasting no time, I chugged the contents of the pricklewart juice, and grimaced as it made its way down my throat.

Yuck. It seemed Mara had added some rose to this one to try to mask the smell, but it didn’t do much. The second my fingers disappeared from view, I knew the potion was working and I shot up into the air, coasting forward at a slow rate so that my wing flapping sound was minimal.

The guard was big, a hulking mass of muscle stacked on his arms, as pelts of fur ran the length of his legs, where they ended at two hooved feet.

Holy crystals.

Was this one of the ones that could shift into an animal? I didn’t want to find out. He was on a cell phone chatting with someone.

“I know, baby. I’ll be back in a few days. Just a quick work trip,” he purred as I landed on silent feet and padded across the porch.

The back door was open, letting a cool breeze into the home.


Flattening my wings to my back, I slipped past the curtain and froze when a guard walked right over to me.

“Marx! Get the fuck off the phone and do your job,” he barked, before turning and going to the kitchen. He just missed me by two inches.

I exhaled the breath I’d been holding, and tiptoed further into the house, feeling the pull of my seeker power tug me closer to the front of the home. There was a guy in the kitchen with a small pair of brown horns on his forehead. I tiptoed past him, barely breathing as I passed an open office. My stomach dropped as I nearly screamed at the sight of the Winter King sitting behind a computer.

“Where’s my tea!” he shouted, clacking something on the keyboard as the man in the kitchen mumbled a reply.

My heart was in my throat as I padded past the room, wondering how the hell I was going to make it out of here. The Winter King was in Australia? How? Why? I’d assumed this was a new group and a new crystal, but now I was getting worried. Elle and I couldn’t go up against him again. We’d barely gotten away last time.

My powers tugged me to a room just off the front door. Invisible yet tangible pulses of power knocked into my solar plexus one by one. My breath hitched as I began to feel my invisibility powers flicker.

Oh gods.

I placed one hand on the doorknob, grabbing my blade with my other. It was now or never. Twisting open the knob, I slipped into the room and closed the door without shutting it fully for fear of making noise.

I took in the scene all at once, shocked when my gaze fell onto a familiar Dark Fae. Liam was tied and gagged on the floor. He looked beaten and bloody. Purple bruises dotted his face and jaw, and the carpet was splattered with his blood.

Anger rose up inside of me so fast and hot I thought I might explode. In front of Liam was the same sickly green crystal from last night. The one I couldn’t touch. But the worst of the entire situation was the guard sitting in a folding chair and staring at the door I’d just come through. I was seconds from materializing and getting my ass handed to me, so I needed to think fast. My fingertips were already becoming visible.

The Son of Darkness was one of those pale sickly ones. He stared at the door in Copyright 2016 - 2024