Seductive Company - By Redsnapper Page 0,49

“Well then…I guess I need to stop him in his tracks, huh?”

Lady Davenport strolled to the bar, pouring herself another drink, gazing at India with a mischievous grin on her face. She waited for India to look up and then asked, “Do you want another drink?”

India shook her head in the affirmative as she continued to try to decipher why Travis wanted to not only set her up for failure, but why did he want to bring down, Danika? India knew that Travis was in love with her and because she refused to acknowledge that she had anything to do with him he was furious but why Danika? Why was he lashing out at her? Lady Davenport looked at her as she asked, “So my question to you Ms. India…what are you going to do about this St. Croix?” “Are you going to let this self-righteous bastard take you out of the game or will you impede his sinister plot to destroy you?”

India eyes lit up as she asked this question, “So, Marjorie…how is he planning on sending this information to the company?”

Lady Davenport smiled as she replied, “My guess would be by carrier…any other method is too dangerous and detectable…if you have any chance at beating this St. Croix, then you must find out when he is planning to send the documents.” “Also there is the matter of the $300,000,000 million dollars.”

India looked at her puzzled, “$300,000,000 dollars?”

“Yes…in order for him to make this work, he has to set up an off shore account in your names so that he can show the CEO that you are stealing and then the money suddenly disappears…he gets rich…you both go to jail!”

India’s mind is now going in circles as she tries to take in all of this incriminating information. She gulps her drink down as she asks herself, “How does she know all this…does she play a part in this somehow?”

She stands up and laments, “How do I know you’re telling me the truth about all this?” “How do I know you’re not in cahoots with this bastard?”

Lady Davenport quickly strolled over toward her, reaching for her hand, but before she could reach it, India moved back away from her. Lady Davenport sighed as she replied, “Look India…I know we just met, but I really like you!” “If I was as you say in cahoots with this St. Croix, then I would not have invited you into my bed…besides this St. Croix is not my type and I do not believe he has the common sense that you carry.” “I want to see you move ahead and I will help you.” “There is a carrier plane the leaves here daily at 3:00 PM, carrying documents and packages to the United States.” “My source tells me that he is scheduled to send his weekly assessment report on tomorrow on the carrier.” “If you should somehow get the documents before they get to that plane…you may be able to stop him!”

India smiled as she suddenly thought of a plan and on how she would bring his plan to an squeaking halt. She looked at Lady Davenport as she replied, “Thanks for telling me about this, Lady Davenport…I’ll make sure that I be on the lookout and I will make sure that I return the favor.”

She smiled as she thought, “Yeah…you’re gonna be with me…that’s how you’re gonna pay me!”


Ursula stared out the window at the Kansas City skyline, trying to decide what would be best for her to do. She thought, “How do I tell India about this?” “She has a chance with him but she didn’t want him…so why waste a good man.” She strolled over toward the bathroom, walking in as she smiled at the silhouette that was washing in the shower. Watching Miles in the shower through the reflection of the bathroom mirror was making Ursula reconsidered waiting. He had been a perfect gentleman with her, treating her with the utmost respect. However, Ursula was hesitant to get into a relationship with Miles for two reasons. One - she knew that India had an interest in him and two - this was the first time she had ever been intimate with a black man. Her folks seemed to be okay with it but she was unsure about her white friends. Although her best friend was Black, she couldn't help but notice the way some Black women looked at her when talked about getting with a Black man. Whenever, she brought Copyright 2016 - 2024