The Seduction (Finding Forever #2) - Jessie Jones Page 0,31

letting her sleep? That's unlike you," Patrick said as he unbuttoned his pants and sat on the bed to remove his socks and shoes.

John's hand slid over the sheet where her wide, plump bottom lay. He couldn't wait to slip back inside of the soft mound again. His cock immediately began twitching at the thought. "I thought I would let her rest a minute. She clearly needed it," John softly replied without looking at his mate.

"Care to enlighten me about earlier, Johnny?" Patrick asked as his eyes met John's. He was still annoyed by the way John had treated him earlier. "We have shared multiple women over the years, mate, and you have never cared about how or where I come. What makes Gillian so special?"

John's eyes met Patrick's. "You tell me, mate. Clearly, you feel the same way as I do. I just choose not to fight it," he replied as he palmed one large breast. As she squirmed under his touch, a small smile touched her lips. "About earlier, I'm sorry, mate. I meant what I said, though, Pat. I have no problems sharing kitten with you, but the stipulations stand…at least for now."

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Johnny? You're talking to me as if I'm the fucking hired help! I'm your brother, boyo! You've never put stipulations on my relationship with a woman before, not even Pandora!" Patrick growled between clenched teeth as he stood at the end of the bed in just his unbuttoned pants. Running an agitated hand through his blond hair, he yelled, "You're bleeding all over her, mate! I don't even know who you are lately! You made a total eejit out of yourself at the party tonight by treating your precious kitten as if she was made of glass! People were trying to pay off the fucking staff to find out her name, for crying out loud! You know as well as I do that her picture and name will be all over the scandal columns tomorrow, not to mention the telly. She's not your girlfriend, Johnny! Hell, she's not even your fucking mistress! You need to distance yourself from her, mate, and soon. In the morning, Gillian leaves! I'll pack her damn bag myself!"

"I decide when kitten leaves, Pat, not you!" John raged as he jumped up and pushed the Irishman back slightly. Damn Patrick for voicing his inner turmoil! Gillian was turning out to be a weakness for him, and John Kenric had no weaknesses! "And I'll do whatever the fuck I want with her! Last I checked, I didn't need your fucking approval!"

Before the Irishman responded to John's words, movement from the king-sized bed had Patrick's agitated, turquoise eyes turning away for a moment. All anger was immediately replaced by total lust and raw desire as he feasted on the image before him. Gillian sat rubbing her tired, emerald eyes as her ebony hair cascaded down her face and over her shoulders. Her perfect, round breasts sat bare to him as the blankets fell to her waist. Her rose colored nipples were hard nubs and his mouth watered at the sight of them. Patrick did not understand the spell this woman had cast over him, but it was powerful.

Still rubbing her eyes, Gillian looked at the two men who stood half naked and proud beside the bed. She was sleeping so soundly, only to be awakened by what sounded like the men arguing. They looked as though they were ready to beat the hell out of someone. Had she done something to make them angry? "Is everything okay?" she asked before anxiously nibbling on her bottom lip. "I thought I heard yelling. You both look angry. Did something happen?"

John was touched by the concern he saw in the depths of her emerald eyes. This woman clearly put his needs before her own, and no one other than Pat had ever done that before. The anger he was feeling toward the Irishman was gone as he walked up to her on the bed and began stroking her cheek. "Everything is fine, kitten. Pat and I were involved in a rather heated discussion, but it's over now. It's nothing for you to concern yourself with."

"Why don't I believe you, John?" Gillian replied as she rubbed her face against the hand stroking her cheek. She then took his hand in hers and looked into his chestnut eyes as she softly said, "Although I don't understand the language, I know there Copyright 2016 - 2024