Seduced The Unexpected Virgin - By Emily McKay Page 0,52

hell out of him. He’d just had her. It was inconceivable that he would want her again so soon. Not to mention impractical. His knowledge of virgins was fairly limited, but he didn’t think she’d be up for a second round any time tonight.

After giving himself a moment to relish the feel of her against him, he extracted himself from her and set her firmly aside. He let his hand trail down her arm. “We’ll pick this up in another day or two.”


“No arguing about this,” he interrupted her. “You don’t get to have everything your way.”

She frowned, but gave a reluctant nod.

“I want to see you later today. After we’ve both gotten some sleep. No more keeping our relationship a secret.”

“I can’t—”

“I mean it. I’m done sneaking around.”

“I mean, I can’t do it today. I’m having Sunday dinner with my parents.” She frowned, considering. “We eat around two. Maybe we can meet up later?”

He hesitated only a moment. “Can I come?”

“You can’t seriously want to have dinner with my parents.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause they’re my parents. Why would you possibly want to meet a middle-aged, Mexican couple?”

“Because they’re your parents,” he said slowly. “Unless they don’t want to meet me, I want to meet them.”

“I—” she began, but then broke off. “Okay. You can meet my parents. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He left quickly after that, but as he made his way back to his condo, he wasn’t able to shake the uneasy feeling he had about Ana losing her virginity. As calm and blasé as she seemed, he still wished he’d known ahead of time. Then he could have…what?

All the same questions she’d badgered him with flitted through his mind. In the end, he reached the same conclusion she had.

He wouldn’t have done anything differently. Except, maybe she was right. Maybe he would have choked. But maybe not. In the end, the only conclusion he could come to was that he simply wanted it to matter to her. Because it mattered to him.

So much for her plan to quietly lose her virginity without him even noticing. That plan had gone about as well as her plan to quietly introduce him to her family.

“We could go see a movie instead,” she offered Ward. It was her fifth attempt to distract him since he’d shown up on her doorstep ten minutes earlier.

“No.” He grimaced as he helped her into the passenger side of his Lexus. “You’re jaded about Hollywood, remember? I don’t think moviegoing would be particularly relaxing. Besides, they’re expecting you.”

“They’d get over it.” She’d never hear the end of it if she canceled now. But she was still trying to talk him out of it. “It’s not like I have dinner with them every Sunday.” Of course, she did, actually eat with them every Sunday, but that just sounded lame.

Ward shook his head anyway. “I’m looking forward to meeting your parents.”

“Great.” She smothered a groan. A moment later, as he started the car, she directed him to head west on Claremont.

He flicked on his blinker, but sent her a puzzled look. “I thought your parents still lived on the Worths’ estate, over by the coast.”

“They do.” She had to unclench her jaw to explain. “We’re not having dinner there.” She paused, hoping he’d let it go, but he didn’t. Finally, she explained, “When my parents found out I was bringing a date, they decided a mere meal in their apartment wasn’t enough. So we’re going to my uncle Julio’s house.”

Ward flashed her a charming smile. “Oh, are they fans?”

“Of you? No, they’ve probably never heard of you. But I’ve never brought a date anywhere. The mere idea of me in the company of a man was enough to excite their anticipation.”

He must have picked up on the dread in her voice. “What exactly can I expect?”

She blew out a harsh breath, decided honesty was the best policy and delivered the blow. “A full-blown party. Thirty, maybe forty people.”

He gave a bark of laughter that sounded incredulous. Maybe even a little nervous. If he was wise, it would be nerves.

“I thought you said you were from a small family.”

“Small immediate family,” she corrected. “Just me and my parents. But I have ten aunts and uncles here in the States, all within driving distance. I have nearly thirty cousins. Plus spouses.”

He blew out an impressed whistle. “And kids?”

“So many you’ll be nervous you’re going to step on one when you’re crossing the room.” For the first time since they got Copyright 2016 - 2024