Seduced The Unexpected Virgin - By Emily McKay Page 0,47

nearly gone now and she brought her legs up to hook behind his buttocks. Twining her hands through his hair, she pulled up to press herself against him. She kissed him, pouring into it all of the things she should have said before, but hadn’t. How much she wanted this. How much she wanted him. She’d been waiting for this her whole life.

Every other woman she’d known had carelessly tossed aside her virginity while still a teenager. But not her. She’d waited. Not just because she was pressured to succeed by her parents. That was the excuse she’d always given herself. But the truth was, deep in her heart, she’d been waiting. Waiting for him. Waiting for the man she loved.

She tried to say all of that with just her kiss. Either he understood her unspoken message or his restraint finally snapped. Because slowly, as if he were fighting it with every fiber of his being, he began moving again. He slipped his hand down between her legs and began stroking her again, slowly edging her closer to another climax. The pressure inside of her built. The burning need to be full of him, finally met.

By the time he thrust into her one last time—his head thrown back, her name a prayer on his lips—she was right there with him as pleasure rocketed through her body.

Ana had heard plenty of her friends complain about their boyfriends and husbands falling asleep immediately after sex. It wasn’t a good sign that she was hoping Ward would follow in the footsteps of his maligned gender and do the same.

He didn’t keep her in suspense for long, but almost immediately rolled off her, to sit on the side of the bed, his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his hands. She pulled the sheet up almost to her chin and then laid there, heart pounding, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

As a girl, she used to fantasize about this moment. About giving herself to the man she loved. It always involved him loving her back. For years now, she’d told herself that she hadn’t been saving her virginity for any particular reason. That it was more inconvenience than anything else. But the flood of emotions she’d felt just now showed that particular disillusion for the lie it was. Though she hadn’t actually had time for her fantasies to catch up with her emotions, she didn’t exactly need Dr. Phil here to tell her this was not going to play out like some schoolgirl dream.

Even if she hadn’t already known the truth about Cara and those damn sunglasses, one didn’t need a lot of experience to know that a man who’d just had sex with a woman he loved wouldn’t sit on the side of the bed, head in hands as if he were miserable. No, these were the actions of a man racked with guilt. A man who—dear God—was ashamed of his actions.

Which meant in his eyes, she’d just gone from a desired woman to a burden.

Crap, crap and double crap.

How was she going to fix this?

Ward had had sex with a lot of women over the years, but not a damn one of them had been a virgin. Until now.

Didn’t it just figure that Ana would be the one to slip past his defenses?

His mind raced, reviewing every moment of their time together, looking for clues. At times, she’d seemed so worldly. So confident and savvy. She’d worked in Hollywood, for goodness’ sake. How did a beautiful, sexy woman like her work in Hollywood—where sex was practically a currency—and stay a virgin?

But of course, she hadn’t stayed in Hollywood, had she? Maybe that should have been his number one clue. But he never suspected that she was a virgin. And she’d never told him. Damn it.

He didn’t know who he was madder at. Himself for not guessing or her for not telling him.

He was still debating that point, when he felt her roll to her side and reach out a hand toward him. “Ward—” she began.

He shot to his feet. “No,” he said instinctively. Though what exactly he was protesting, he couldn’t say. Maybe the whole damn situation. He searched the floor for his boxers and pants and quickly pulled them on.

His shirt lay on the floor a few feet away and he went to retrieve it.

“Ward—” she called again, the distress in her voice more apparent now. “Don’t go!”

He paused in the act of bending down to pick Copyright 2016 - 2024