Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,6

the man who was still smiling.

“Yes. I’ll complete the release now.” The detective then turned to Sloan. “You have my business card. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

“I will.”

The detective walked off and then Mercury heard Galen ask Sloan, “Are you okay?”

It was then that Mercury noticed the worried expression bunching her forehead. “Well, I do have a slight problem,” she said.

Mercury didn’t like the sound of that. “What?”

“I don’t have a way home.”

When she looked at him expectantly, Mercury said, “And?”

“I was wondering if you could drop me off there.”

Personally, Mercury was wondering if she’d considered calling Uber, a cab or a friend. He was about to put such a thought into her head when Galen spoke up and said, “Don’t consider it a problem. Mercury will be glad to drop you off.”

Mercury gave his brother a look that could have turned him to stone, but Galen ignored it and said, “My five brothers and I were raised to treat all females with the utmost respect. If one is ever in need, we are there for the rescue.”

Mercury fought to keep a straight face. Respect? Rescue? Of the six of them, Galen had been the most notorious womanizer. His reputation had extended from Phoenix all the way to Charlotte, North Carolina, where their Steele cousins lived. Hell, Galen had gotten expelled from school once after the principal found him under the bleachers making out with the man’s daughter. And now he wanted to stand here and say he respected women like he’d always done so.

“Our mother wouldn’t have it any other way, right, Mercury?”

Mercury rubbed a hand down his face. Galen would have to bring Eden Tyson Steele up at a time like this. “Yes, right, Galen.” Mercury would give his brother hell when he saw him alone later.

At that moment the detective came back with Mercury’s keys and said to him, “Here you are.”

The man then turned to Sloan, smiled broadly and said, “Again, I regret what happened to you and wish you the best in the future.”

“Thanks, Detective Fulton.”

“And I meant what I said earlier—if you need anything else, just call the precinct and ask for me,” the detective added.

Mercury fought not to begin fuming again inside. Why was everyone treating her like the victim when it had been his car that had been stolen?

“You’re ready to go now?” he asked Sloan, deciding to break up the little chitchat. It wouldn’t surprise him if the detective asked her for a date right then and there. The man could do whatever he liked, but not on Mercury’s time.

“Yes. Mercury, I’m ready.”

That was the first time she’d referred to him by name and he didn’t appreciate that he liked the way she said it. He then turned to Galen and handed him the key. “Take my baby home and park her in the garage.”

“Okay, and there’s no reason to rush to your place. Jonas will pick me up from there. He’s treating me to lunch.”

There was no reason for Mercury to ask why. Those two brothers were always betting against something.

Galen then extended his hand out to Sloan. “It was nice meeting you, Sloan.”

“Same here, Galen, and again, you have a beautiful wife and twins.”

Mercury lifted a brow. “You know about his wife and kids?”

Sloan smiled. “Yes. He showed me photos.”

Galen grinned. “I was keeping her company while you were giving your statement.”

“I see.” Without saying anything else to Galen, Mercury escorted Sloan out of police headquarters.

Sloan glanced over at the man walking beside her. The man who was too good-looking and she had a feeling he knew it. Otherwise, why would he assume he’d know every single woman he thought beautiful in Phoenix?

But she had a feeling every single woman in Phoenix probably knew him, as well. He was a man a woman couldn’t easily forget. Tall with medium brown skin, a strong chiseled jaw and a pair of lips Copyright 2016 - 2024