Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,69

to meet her and I’d understand and I always denied him and said I’d help find her for them but she’s all theirs. He is so going to gloat, the fucker.

“So, did you give Ever the tour?” I ask.

“Yeah” he replies.

“Good, I’ll show you how the safe room works, Princess” I offer. Ignoring the looks I get when I let the name slip for the second fucking time.

“Sounds good to me” she replies and although curiosity burns in her eyes she just carries on eating and doesn’t immediately starting questioning me about why I would feel the need for our house to be equipped with a safe room and weapons.

Which leads me to the next question want to ask. I already know there’s more to her than you’d first assume but my need to make sure she knows how to protect herself is riding me hard and that’s why I ask my next question.

“Can you shoot?”

The room falls silent and the guys raise their eyebrows at me in question. Ever doesn’t react how I expect her to. She doesn’t make a joke, doesn’t act nervous or scared, she just pauses eating and looks me straight in the eye before answering.

“Yeah, I can shoot” she smirks.

“Good” I say simply. Feeling somewhat appeased and carry on eating. The guys though are staring at her incredulously and I hide my smirk, she obviously hadn’t shared that with them.

“You can!?” Riot exclaims, recovering quicker than the others.

“Not tonight” she says firmly and shadows flash across her eyes before she pushes them back.

I pause, that makes me a mixture of curious and pissed which seems to be par for the course when it comes to Ever so far. Oh and turned the fuck on, she can do that to me almost embarrassingly easily. The guys must guess at some of what she doesn’t want to talk about because anger darkens their eyes as darkness flashes in Jensen’s before he can lose himself thinking about whatever it is Ever has alluded to, she kisses him hard and fast nipping his lip and effectively shutting that shit down before he gets to the point where he needs to fight it out.

My own darkness tries to take over, Jensen doesn’t let his out to play for no fucking reason and I know it has something to do with her demons.

I raise my eyebrow as his gaze drifts to me, he just smirks and nods again telling me she really does work to shut it down.

The lucky fucker.

“Come on the hot tub is calling me!” She exclaims, grinning and effectively distracting everyone.

“Shots first!” Riot exclaims.

We soon have shots set up and take them all at the same time. The guys help clear the table, I join them not wanting to be dick and it’s only fair since Ever cooked. I want to know more about her past so fucking badly but she is giving me the courtesy of not asking me questions about my own past so I’ll return the favour.

“Come on Atty, hot tub time!” She grins as she once again takes my hand with absolutely no hesitation.

“Aren’t you going to put a swim suit on?” Jensen asks and Trick promptly smacks him on the back of the head.

“What was that for?”

“Do I really need to answer that?” Trick says chuckling and Jensen groans.

“Oh yeah, good point. I’ll be back!” she says as she rushes up the stairs. I want to smack him myself for making her let go of my hand, he see’s my look and chuckles before racing after her.

The rest of us follow at a more sedate pace to get our own swim stuff on.

Chapter Seventeen


As I get to my room I take a second to just breathe. The guys were right, Atlas does seem to suck the air out of the room but not like they think he does. I imagine normal people find him intimidating enough that he sucks the air out of the room with his presence.

I never claimed to be normal though.

I find myself inexplicably attracted to him, as much as I’m attracted to the guys, my heart beat just hard for him as it does for them whenever their lips land on me. I had to hold myself back from kissing the fuck out him when he kissed my cheek to thank me in the kitchen. I’ve only just fucking met him.

What, am I just going to start developing feeling for every hot guy now?

Seriously Ever!

On the other hand I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024