Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,5

and lightly traces my lips with his, fortunately it’s more the side of my face that is covered in gravel rash and my lips are blood and gore free.

“Ever” Jensen growls out from beside me, so much pain and violence swirling in him that it’s caused his voice deepen.

My head snaps towards him and this time I do take a step away from Luc and Trick but they just move with me which is a good job because I get a step away from Jensen and my legs give out. His arms snap out to catch me and he gently pulls me towards him, he stares down into my eyes and I can see his demons have fully come out to play in the depths of his green eyes.

“You got to me in time Jensen” I say trying to reassure him.

“You’re hurt” he growls.

“I am but nothing too serious, I’m scraped up to shit and I think I might have a concussion but other than that I am absolutely fine.”

His eyes trace over my features, before he reluctantly nods. My undamaged cheek lands on his chest as his arms wrap around my waist, Luc and Trick each have a hand on my back and I feel Riot reach around Jensen and stroke my hair.

“Where are you scraped up?” Rafe asks his voice rougher than usual.

“What’s wrong with your voice, are you ok?” I ask worriedly.

“That’s what you’re worried about right now?” Rafe asks incredulously.

“He’s done a lot of talking this evening, his voice isn’t used to it after years of not being used” Cash calls from the other side of the car, where I’m guessing he’s still pinning Jeremy, who is suspiciously quiet.

“Yeah that and he pretty much roared at all the people in the diner, scared the living shit out of half of them” Jensen snorts his chest moving under my head and I raise my eyebrow at Rafe. He just leans forward carefully without dislodging any of the others and gently kisses me.

“It would seem that normal people don’t react like we do to the sound of his voice, Sunshine” Riot practically purrs.

I turn to look at Riot and smirk at him.

“How do you two react?” Rafe grins, knowing full well, he’s used it on us both enough.

“Guys there’ll be time for that later, right now we need to get Ever seen by a doctor” Luc lightly chastises.

“Right. So back to my last question, where are you scraped up?” Rafe asks me again.

I step back from the guys and they all keep their hands out ready to catch me if I fall.

“Well my face,” I say pointing to it unnecessarily, “that was mostly my fault. I went boneless so he’d relax his grip and then threw myself forward but I was still disorientated from where he’d smacked my head into a wall and my arms didn’t react quick enough, so I landed on my face” I grimace, I’m not a shallow person but I am dreading seeing what my face looks like in the mirror. “He then grabbed my foot and pulled me towards the car but scraped me along the floor, which made my face worse and” I look down at myself, “I have scrapes on my chest and I’m pretty sure on one of my legs too” I hear a pained scream from the other side of the car as a sickening pop echoes through the trees. I’m guessing Cash didn’t like the sound of that. The ambulance and police car are nearly here but I still lift up my dress, wincing at the scrapes that are more on my left leg than my right I guess I was more on that side? It’s them same side the scrapes are on my face so that would make sense.

“Fuck Angel” Jensen curses, reaching out and winding his fingers through mine, gripping tightly.

The cops and the ambulance are just pulling to a stop and I take a deep breath. I don’t like hospitals but I know I need to be checked out. I know nothing is broken and although the scrapes bled a lot I’m not sure any of them need any stitches but they do all need cleaning out and I need to get my head checked out, it still feels fuzzy a bit like it's stuffed with cotton wool. Now more than ever I can’t wait to get away, just me and my guys.

An EMT comes rushing towards me and I’m jumpy as hell, some of Copyright 2016 - 2024