Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,18

may as well” Kat yells after her before turning to wink at me grinning.

I love hanging out with these women.

It doesn’t take Jenny long to rustle up the salads, she hands me mine and a glass of rose wine, yum. I’m not normally a wine drinker, preferring whiskey or tequila but I’m still going to drink it. I’m actually pleasantly surprised by the salad, it tastes really good and is surprisingly filling. To be honest, I did practically drown mine in salad dressing since it tasted so good though.

“Oh I just thought” Kat suddenly exclaims, “did the boys tell you about the Christmas eve party we throw every year?”

“Nope, they said something about it being Trick’s turn this year for everyone to come over and decorate the tree?” I ask, hoping I got that right, my brain is feeling a bit fried still from all the shit that went down yesterday.

“Yes we do that too, we’ll do that in the morning on Christmas eve, everyone will come here and we’ll have eggnog and Christmas music and then we’ll get ready and go to Kat’s for the Christmas eve party. It’s basically just an excuse to get dressed up, drink and dance” Jenny giggles.

“That’s pretty awesome, what kind of dressed up are we talking about though?” I ask, mentally flipping through what I’ve bought over the past few days only to realise that the majority of it is either underwear or lounge wear. Nothing suitable for party.

“That’s what I was getting at, Tesoro” Kat smiles, “we tend to go all out, the men in suits and the women in dresses.”

“Oh, ok. I need a dress then, what sort?”

“That’s the beauty of it only being family, you can wear whatever the hell you want” Jenny grins. "I went in a ballgown last year."

I chuckle and pull the laptop closer to start searching. Cheesy as it may be I want to at least get a red dress since it’s Christmas. It’ll be a bit of a change from my usually dark attire, even my coat is a dark red. This is the first time I’ve celebrated Christmas since I left and I’m going to go all out. I’m not sure my guys are going to know what hit them.

“Oh crap I need wrapping paper and stuff” I suddenly remember.

“I know the perfect site for that, here” Kat says holding out her hands for the laptop.

I hand it over to her and watch as she quickly types in an address before handing it back. My eyes widen at the choices, all the pretty paper. I spend far too long and buy way too much but it’s just so pretty I can’t help it.

“Oh my god, bows!” I say suddenly making the two women jump, they start giggling and I join them. That is probably one of the most girly things I have ever said and I’m not even ashamed.

“I’m glad it’s not just me that likes the bows” Jenny chuckles.

“I’ve never wrapped presents before, so I don’t think the guys are going to know what hit them” I chuckle and ignore the look that they share.

We all go back to shopping and I checkout quickly, immensely happy that the site offers next day delivery.

I know what I’m doing tomorrow.

Looking through the website Jenny showed me earlier for dresses, I decide to go fairly simple. I absolutely do not want to wear heels my feet are pretty badly cut up from running on the gravel and the foot that Jeremy used to pull me across the gravel to the car is bruised. So heels are just not happening. I’m going to wear my Docs, I said I would if I went to another dance anyway. I did buy some trainers and ballet flats earlier as well as a gorgeous pair of knee high boots but I think I can make my Docs work really well.

My focus then changes from, just finding a super pretty dress, to finding a dress that will look good with my boots. I skim through the site until I find a simple body hugging blood red dress, that will hit about mid thigh. It’s a simple design with a sweetheart neckline that shows a bit of cleavage but not too much and thin straps on the shoulders, I think it should work well with my boots. It’s freaking freezing though so I’m going to need a jacket. I search through the area of the website that has all the jackets before Copyright 2016 - 2024