Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,156

all finished lunch, Trick puts the TV on mute and turns to face us. Him, Rafe and Luc sat at the end of the bed.

“I think we need to talk about the situation we might be pulled into when Atlas finally pulls us in. As far as I’m aware it’s still going to be extremely dangerous” his eyes land on Ever.

“I’m in” she says with no hesitation at all.

I’m honestly in awe of her strength and just how damn kick ass she is, it’s fucking hot.

“I have a vague idea that it has something to do with his family but that’s all I’ve managed to pick up. We all know he’s been put through some serious shit and his insistence on us learning how to shoot a couple of years ago points to it all being dangerous as fuck” he looks at each of us grimly, “are you all in?”

We all nod our agreement. Of course we fucking are. He’s family and he needs us. We’ve each got skills that are on the wrong side of legal and I’m willing to bet that whatever Atlas has going on is not legal in the slightest. I know my brother though and his methods may not be entirely legal but the reasons behind whatever it is he’s got going on will not be corrupt. So long as it stays that way then we’ll all be in. Atlas promised Ever that Jeremy would never lay eyes on her again and we all know he’s not going to go the legal route to make that happen, especially since the legal route has already failed.

There was just something about that deranged cunt that suggests that he was even more fucked up then we first thought. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had tried the same shit he did with Ever with someone else. What he told Ever he was going to do with her was absolutely sickening.

“Good, I just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page” Trick says, knowing full well that it was more an obligatory conversation than one we actually needed to have.

Ever has only seen a small portion of the darker sides of us, although she’s seen more of Jensen’s than the rest of us. If she was a normal girl I’d be worried about how she is going to handle seeing more of our darker sides but it’s Ever and thank fuck she is far from normal because if anything she’s going to be intrigued, impressed and most likely turned on. We’ve all seen how she get's when one of us lets our dark sides slip, she loves it and we love that she does.

She’s absolutely fucking perfect for us.

“One last thing before we binge watch movies and eat all the junk we bought for the rest of the day” Trick grins, his hand rubbing Ever’s foot I’m not even sure he’s aware he’s doing it.

“What?” Jensen mumbles into Ever’s stomach sounding half asleep.

“I think we should give Atlas two weeks to get in touch with us and bring us in and then we give him no choice. We’ve done it his way and I for one am done with him being in fucking danger” Trick says.

“I’m up for that but we need to be careful about how we go about it. Atlas is in a dangerous situation and we don’t want to put him in more danger when the two weeks is up by being reckless” Rafe says.

“Agreed” Luc adds.

“So we come up with a plan that gives him no choice but to fill us in and keeps him safe at the same time” Ever suggests.

“How though?” Luc asks.

“Well we have the burner phone he gave us. I’m sure we can figure something out, we have two weeks anyway” Trick says.

“That’s true” I concede.

I know we’ll all be trying to come up with a safe way to force Atlas’s hand and not endanger him and if we can’t then we’ll just have to be damn patient.

“Alright now that’s sorted, lets get a movie on” Trick says, “you feeling ok now Sweetheart?”

“Yeah I’m good, especially now we have a plan. I know I’ve already apologised but I feel like I need to say it again. I am so sorry for scaring you all this morning. I won’t do that again” she says and I kiss her temple as Riot kisses her cheek.

“It’s ok, Dragonfly” Rafe says from the end of the bed.

“Thanks guys. By the way Copyright 2016 - 2024