Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,113

the way and when it’s finally ready to put the meat in and stick it in the oven the sauce honestly tastes better than I could have ever made myself even though it needs to stew for a bit longer before it's ready.

Rafe has serious talent when it comes to cooking and I hope he decides to follow his dream to become a chef.

“Right that’s it for now. We can cook the rice and naan breads just before we eat” I say and Rafe nods walking over to me and pulling me into his arms as he gives me a soft kiss. I sigh happily. “Are we doing anything before we go out tonight?”

“Nope, I think the guys just want to relax and play the game that Cash got Luc” Rafe explains.

“Awesome, I’m going to go and have a bath then” I grin, reaching up on my tiptoes and kissing him softly.

“I’ll make sure the hellions leave you be” he grins and I chuckle as I leave the kitchen grabbing my discarded pants as I go.

I pause half way across the room when he calls out after me.

“Let me know if you want any help Baby” he snickers and I can’t help but chuckle as I just carry on walking.

As I get to the top landing, just outside my room Atlas appears from his room down the hall.

“Hey” I call out, getting his attention as he walks towards me, when he’s closer I reach out and wrap my arms around him, “thank you for staying with me last night.”

His arms grip me tighter as he rests his cheek on the top of my head and takes a deep breath.

“Anytime Princess, I mean that and not just because that was the first night I’ve slept without nightmares for a really long time but because I liked being able to be there for you” he finishes quietly and my heart soars.

“Trick told me some of your past, and I’m going to want names, Ever. I know you took care of it pretty damn fucking well but in my eyes they still got off fucking easily” he rasps out anger lacing his tone.

I tilt my head up to see how serious he is, only to find his blue eyes hard as flint and as cold as ice. The man is very serious about exacting out a more severe revenge on the people who have hurt me in the past and I guess I should find that worrying or scary or something right? But nope fucked up little old me thinks it's one of the sweetest things someone has offered to do for me.

His eyes cloud with worry for a second at my lack of immediate response. I let my dark side out to play, allowing my savage grin to grace my features.

“Deal, but I want in. I’ve learnt a few things since they last fucked with me” my grin widens as his eyes do the same before heat blazes through them. I giggle as he picks me up and slams me against the wall by my bedroom door his lips connecting with mine in a brutal and heated kiss. When we finally part, my lips are swollen and both of us are breathing heavily, he smirks.

“Deal, Princess. You’re a bit brutal aren’t you?” his grin widens.

“Oh yeah, Dragonfly is actually a bloodthirsty little thing. Don’t let that stunning as fuck exterior fool you” Trick chuckles patting Atlas on the back as he walks past and winking at me.

Atlas raises his eyebrow at me and I just pull my most innocent face and shrug. He leans in and kisses me softly.

“Not falling for it, Princess” he rasps quietly as he puts me down and I reluctantly take a step back.

I love the raspy quality he has to his voice, it has almost the same effect on me as Rafe’s deep, rough baritone and Cash’s singing voice. My eyes widen as a thought occurs to me.

“What?” he asks suspiciously a smirk playing around the edge of his lips.

“Do you sing?” I blurt out.

He tenses slightly as his look turns calculating, he nods once.

“I would absolutely love to hear you sing one day, Atty and I definitely want to hear you play something. The guys raved about how good you were” I say softly realising that although the guys told me about his gift with instruments they never said anything about his singing, meaning they don’t know and Atlas has just shared with me something extremely Copyright 2016 - 2024