The Secret of You and Me - Melissa Lenhardt Page 0,12


Dormer leaned close to look at the paper in my hand. Jeremy did the same.

Rick Michaels shrugged his shoulders. “I admit it looks mighty strange. But, there’s no doubt about those meth heads being responsible.”

“Nora,” Dormer said. He nodded to the paper I held. I followed his gaze and read one sentence that changed everything.

I, Raymond Arnold Noakes, being of sound mind, leave all my worldly possessions to my youngest daughter, Nora Jane Noakes, and name her executor of my estate.

Ray had scrawled his signature above the notary stamp.

“What the fuck?” I murmured. Charlie took the paper and inspected it.

“What does it say?” Mary asked.

Charlie opened his briefcase and pulled out a legal document.

Rick Michaels put on his Stetson. “Sorry for your loss,” he said to Mary and Emmadean. He turned to me and said, “Congratulations,” with a smirk, and left.

“Congratulations?” Mary said. Jeremy stepped back with an expression of long-suffering resignation. “Jeremy?”

Emmadean and Dormer exchanged a look that told me they’d known of this bombshell or at least suspected it.

Charlie finally spoke. “It’s Ray’s signature.”

Mary stood and snatched the yellow paper from Charlie. She read it and looked up at me. Here it came, the temper tantrum I’d been waiting for. I steeled myself, though I was swaying on my feet slightly. My mouth was as dry as a desert. I wanted the rest of my Shiner. A whole six-pack, truth be told. And I wasn’t even much of a drinker.

Mary burst out laughing. She covered her mouth with her free hand. “Oh my God. What did you do to make him hate you so?”

“Mary,” Emmadean snapped.

Mary’s laughter didn’t stop. Sophie stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching. Hunter, Madison and Logan came down the hall.

“What’s so funny, Mom?” Madison asked. She held the book I’d given her, one finger saving her place.

Logan went to her mother. Sophie lifted one shoulder at her daughter’s silent question before her gaze settled on me again.

“Karma, Madison. Karma is what’s so funny.” Mary handed the will to me. “Ray’s your problem now. Finally. Come on, Jeremy,” she said.

“But, Aunt Nora and I are going to build the Empire State Building,” Hunter said.

“You can do it another time; she’s not going anywhere.” Mary let the screen door slap closed behind her.

I hugged Madison and Hunter, telling the latter that I wouldn’t start building without him. Jeremy squeezed my upper arm. “Sorry, sis.”

When the screen door closed behind them, Logan said, “You’re staying? That’s cool.” When everyone remained silent, she said, with less assurance. “Right?”

For a long moment, no one answered. Finally, Emmadean said, “You bet it is.”

I pushed the will into Charlie’s chest on my way to the kitchen. Logan watched wide-eyed as I stopped in the doorway, which Sophie blocked. Sophie opened her mouth as if to say something, but instead moved aside. I walked to the table, picked up my abandoned beer and placed it to my lips. I felt sticky remnants on the bottle’s mouth at the same time I realized it was empty. I saw bright red lipstick against the amber colored bottle. I turned to Sophie and thunked the bottle back down on the table. “You drank my beer?”

Sophie stepped into the kitchen and said, quickly, “If you need help cleaning out the house, I can get you some names.”

Logan was on her mother’s heels, her eyes riveted on the beer bottle. “Seriously, Mom?”

“Logan, not now,” Sophie started.

“Ugh,” Logan said, turned on her heel and ran into her dad. “I’ll be in the car.”

Charlie looked from his retreating daughter to his wife, who shook her head slightly. “Nora,” Charlie said, finally tearing his puzzled gaze from Sophie, “why don’t you come by the office tomorrow afternoon. We can go over everything.”

“Can’t wait.”

“I’ll give the names to Charlie,” Sophie said.


There was an awkward pause while Charlie looked between us—me, his first love, and my best friend, whom he’d married—as if unsure where his loyalties lay. He handed me a business card. “In case you need to get in touch with me.”

I put the card in my pocket.

He motioned with his arm for Sophie to precede him out of the kitchen, but she said, “I’ll be right there.”

Charlie nodded and left the room.

“If there’s anything at all you need...”

“I’m sure Emmadean and Dormer can help.”

“Right.” She nodded and unfolded her arms. “Goodbye, Nora.”

I didn’t watch her leave. I was taking a long pull of a new beer when a business card stuck halfway under the empty Shiner bottle caught Copyright 2016 - 2024