The Secret Wallflower Society - Jillian Eaton Page 0,113

toff. Which is fitting, I suppose, as Lucas was never the regular sort of thief. His heart has always been too soft. If it were me, I would have turned you over to Glastonbury without a second thought.” Artemis sat back in her chair and jerked her shoulder in a careless shrug. “Nothing personal.”

“Um…” Percy wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say to that. “So you’ll help me locate him?”

Artemis rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that what I just said? I’ll need fifty pounds. That’s what I should have gotten from your friends, and practically a bargain for true love.”

“Done.” Percy had all of six shillings on her person, but she wasn’t about to quibble about the price. She’d find a way to pay up. After she found Lucas.

Just thinking about seeing him again was enough to have her heart pounding against her ribcage. How dearly she’d missed him! In such a short amount of time, he’d become such a large presence in her life, and now that he was gone, it felt as if he’d taken the air in the room with him. She couldn’t breathe for wanting him. Couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat.

And she knew, she knew, there was every chance he would turn her away.

But she had to try.

She had to.

“All right then, come on.” Artemis chugged the rest of her ale, swiped her hand across her mouth, and stood up. “Let’s be on our way.”

Percy blinked. “Right…right this second?”

“Were you planning on a certain date?”

“No, I…” Suddenly nervous, Percy swallowed hard and pushed her chair back. “I’m ready.”

“Good, because the sooner we get all this romantic nonsense over with, the better.” Artemis made a face. “It’s giving me a headache.”

Rain lashed at the windows and pummeled the roof in a torrent of water as Lucas sat in front of the fireplace nursing his second glass of gin. He’d downed the first in a matter of seconds, but he wanted this one to last him well into the night. God only knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, and given a choice between tossing restlessly on his bed while thinking about Persephone, and sitting in front of a warm flame while thinking about Persephone, he was inclined to choose the latter. Bloody hell, but he missed her.

He missed the sound of her laughter.

He missed the smell of her perfume.

He missed the shape of her smile.

With Persephone gone, the world around him was dark and gray and barren. There was no joy to be found, even when he buried himself in his work. Because every job he took only served to remind him of her. And how empty his life was without her sunshine to light the way.

His arms ached to hold her. His mouth ached to taste her. And his heart…

His heart was in bloody shreds at his feet.

The only thing that kept him going, the only thing that kept him from drowning in bottles of gin instead of the two glasses he allotted himself each night, was the knowledge that she was happy. She was safe. She was where she belonged.

Lucas frowned when he heard a knock at the door. Bessie was long gone, the maids with her, and he wasn’t expecting anyone. Especially not here, at his private residence.

Picking up the pistol that was never far out of reach, he held the weapon in one hand and his drink in the other as he padded silently into the foyer. There was another knock, louder and more impatient than the first. Eyes narrowing, he drew back the hammer on the pistol with a deliberate click.

“Who is it?” he growled.

“Open the damn door and find out,” a familiar voice replied.

He slowly lowered his gun. “What the hell are you doing here, Artemis?”

“I’ve brought you a present.”

“Couldn’t it wait until morning?”

“You’re up, aren’t you?”

“Sod off.” He started to walk away. Artemis Bishop was just another reminder of Persephone. A reminder he didn’t want, or need. But before he had made it to the foot of the stairs, Artemis picked the lock and flung the door open, allowing a gust of wind and a sheet of rain into the foyer. Enraged at her audacity, he spun around, prepared to shoot her out of pure spite…but the sight that awaited him stopped him cold.


It couldn’t be.

“Persephone?” he said, his voice little more than a croak.

Artemis glanced between them, her smile smug. “My work here is done. Enjoy yourselves. And Percy, don’t forget my fifty pounds.” The thief-taker slipped away into the Copyright 2016 - 2024