A Secret Surrender - Darcy Burke Page 0,9

after your sister is settled?” He spooned some ice into his mouth, and she caught a brief glimpse of his tongue.

Readjusting her seat, Selina took a bite of her ice before she answered. “Probably,” she lied. There was no village, just as there was no husband. “Unless I find a charity to support here in London. Like you, I am committed to helping others, and I’m keen to provide assistance to women in particular. If I find myself dedicated to such an endeavor, I may stay.”

“How fortunate for that endeavor,” he said warmly.

“First, however, I must see my sister wed.”

“Yes, to that end, I wonder if I may be of assistance.” He set his spoon down. “My parents are hosting a soiree on Saturday. If you don’t have another engagement, I’d be delighted to ensure you’re invited.”

A rush of anticipation swept over Selina. This was precisely what Beatrix needed. “My goodness, Mr. Sheffield. That’s incredibly kind of you. It isn’t too much trouble?”

“I wouldn’t have offered if it was.”

“Then, yes, thank you. That would be wonderful. You’ll be there?”

“Normally, I wouldn’t. However, since I’m inviting you, I probably should be.” He shook his head in a self-deprecating manner. “I’ll be there.”

She tried not to smile and failed. “Since I now know that isn’t your favorite activity, I shall take it as a compliment that you would attend on our behalf. Thank you.”

Satisfaction curled around Selina. Now for the next objective. “Tell me, what are you investigating now?”

“A variety of things.” His brow furrowed, and his gaze drifted past her.

Selina turned her head to follow his line of sight. “Is there something amiss?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I was just thinking about an old investigation. I wasn’t able to bring the perpetrator to justice.”

She could see that it burdened him from the creases furrowing his forehead and around the edges of his mouth and eyes. “It still troubles you?”

His gaze met hers. “Yes. Recent developments have brought it back to the forefront of my mind. It was a tragedy, and the man behind it is out there committing crimes even now.”

“How can that be?” Selina asked, truly curious.

His gaze turned hard, his lip curling slightly. “I wasn’t able to catch him four years ago—that was just after I became a constable. He started a fire in Saffron Hill, burning down a house owned by an infamous criminal just so he could take over the man’s organization.”

Selina’s blood went cold. Four years ago… A fire… Saffron Hill…

“More than a dozen people died, including children.” Sheffield’s jaw clenched. “He disappeared, and the investigation was closed as arson wasn’t proven.”

“Who is he?” She couldn’t have stopped the question even if she’d tried. Which she hadn’t. Selina’s pulse thrummed with apprehension.

“The Vicar.” Sheffield blinked at her, then took a bite of his ice. “You wouldn’t have heard of him, of course. He’s a moneylender over in Blackfriars.”

It took everything in Selina to remain in her chair and not race out to catch a hack to Blackfriars immediately. She was nothing if not a master at schooling her reactions and emotions.

“He’s a criminal, and he calls himself a vicar?” she asked, keeping her tone light before taking a bite of lavender ice.

“He meets with people in St. Dunstan-in-the-West.”

“Is he an actual clergyman?”

Sheffield made a guttural sound deep in his throat. “No, he’s a murderer.”

He was indeed. And Selina was going to find him.

“Enough of that,” Sheffield said. “I didn’t mean to speak of such things. I told you, I’m bad at adhering to Society’s rules.”

Selina met his gaze. “You seem a man of fierce commitment and honesty. That’s rather commendable,” she added softly.

His eyes held hers for a moment, and she had the unnerving sense that they shared the ferocity, if not the honesty.

They finished their ices, and he escorted her from the tea shop. “Where are you off to next?” he asked.

“Home. I’ll catch a hack.”

“Allow me.” He hailed one for her and, as on the other day, helped her into the vehicle.

“This is becoming a routine,” Selina said with a smile.

He held on to her hand a trifle longer than necessary. “A pleasant one, if I may say.”

Heat flashed over Selina. She should stay far away from Sheffield, but she couldn’t—for now. Aside from keeping watch over him and the fact that he was going to invite them to a soiree, she now also had to consider how to obtain more information from him about this “vicar” and the fire in Saffron Hill. More

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