A Secret Surrender - Darcy Burke Page 0,83

he didn’t know where she currently resided, Harry had little hope of finding her.

He’d probably have better luck finding the Winters. Maybe. He considered asking his friend, the Marquess of Ripley, to draw their portraits from Harry’s descriptions. But Ripley was a newlywed, and Harry wouldn’t trouble him.

The hack let him out on the corner of Queen Anne Street. It was a short walk to Selina’s house where he knocked on the door. He expected to see the housekeeper and was surprised when Selina herself answered.

“Harry,” she said, her eyes instantly lighting with pleasure. It was that look, along with the subtle curve of her mouth, that drove him forward.

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, then took Selina in his arms and kissed her. The anger and frustration poured out of him into the kiss. She put her hands on his head, holding him as she kissed him back, meeting the desperate stroke of his tongue with her own.

He pulled back. “Where’s your housekeeper?”


He briefly claimed her mouth again. “Your sister?”


“Good.” He tossed his hat onto a table near the door, then stripped his gloves away before sailing them toward the table and missing.

He put his hands on her again, clasping her waist and drawing her against him. Selina cupped his head again, pressing her fingers into his scalp. “What’s wrong?”

“Just—” He couldn’t form the words. “I need you.” He kissed her again and began steering her backward.

She stepped back and took his hand, then led him into the sitting room, where she closed the door. Her bright blue gaze was dark and steady. “What do you need?”

Harry stroked his fingertips down her face, then brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “You.”

Her tongue darted out and licked his thumb. He pressed the digit into her mouth, and she sucked. Harry’s cock hardened completely. “Selina,” he breathed, closing his eyes briefly.

Her hands came between them and unbuttoned his fall. Then she reached into his smallclothes, her fingers wrapping around his cock. He sucked in a breath, need raging through him.

She gently pushed him backward, as he’d done with her in the entry, until the backs of his legs hit the settee. She pressed him down, and he sat. Lifting her skirts to her waist, she straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips. He took the slippers from her feet and cupped her soles as he kissed her.

Pressing down, her sex met his, and a rush of desire shook his body. No woman had ever affected him this way. He couldn’t get enough of her. The more time he spent with her, the more she gave him, the more he wanted.

Harry scooted forward so he was on the edge of the settee, then curled her legs around his waist. He slipped his hand between them and guided his cock into her warm, wet sheath.

She clasped his shoulder and cupped his head, her lips meeting his again and again as they moved together, slowly, rhythmically at first, their bodies gliding in perfect harmony.

He grasped her waist and back as he held her, his hips moving with hers. She felt like heaven, her muscles gripping his cock while her hands twined through his hair and her fingers stroked his neck and shoulders.

Pleasure built, and he quickened the pace, twitching his hips faster as he thrust into her. Her sex clenched around him as she orgasmed. Harry’s balls tightened as his neared. He needed to pull out, but fuck, he didn’t want to. He held off as long as he could, relishing the feel of her around him. Her touch was a balm and a joy.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her up just before he came. He spent himself as he held her tight, gasping her name.

She brushed her lips against his temple, then pulled her leg over him as she settled beside him. Harry leaned back against the settee, his eyes closed as he took deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

As he came back to himself, his mind returned to coherent thought. “Madame Sybila was a fraud. She’s gone. The Home for Wayward Children is gone. She stole from my mother and her friends.” He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her. “And you.”

Selina had lowered her skirt and was wiping a hand across her forehead. She didn’t say anything, and he couldn’t blame her. She’d been defrauded just like the rest of them.

He realized he hadn’t come here

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