A Secret Surrender - Darcy Burke Page 0,50

attributed it to her encounters with Harry. He’d angered her as Madame Sybila earlier, and she’d been shocked to find him here afterward. Shocked enough to walk straight into his embrace and then ask for his help. “I think we must.”

A familiar gleam sparked in Beatrix’s eyes. She couldn’t help stealing things, so when she was able to do so on purpose, she felt…right. Selina hated asking her to do it. Surely it was better if she didn’t, and not just because of the risk.

She was being foolish. This was how they’d survived the last twelve years—swindling and stealing, doing whatever was required to ensure their safety and independence. That Selina had grown to find it distasteful didn’t change the necessity of it. She shook off the sensation of feeling trapped.

“You could indulge,” Beatrix said cautiously. “You deserve something—someone—diverting.”

In Selina’s estimation, people rarely got what they deserved in this life.

After fetching Selina and her sister the following evening, Harry had been forced to ride to Spring Hollow on top of the coach with the coachman due to space. Harry jumped down upon their arrival and paid the entrance fee to the gardens for their entire party. When he finished, everyone had already departed the coach.

“Well, it’s not Vauxhall, but it’s still exciting,” Miss Whitford said with a smile as they approached the gate.

“Consider it a prelude to Vauxhall,” Rachel said. She had been delighted to come along this evening. Nathaniel seemed less enthused, but then this wasn’t the type of entertainment he typically enjoyed. He preferred a healthy debate over a good port. Nevertheless, he would do anything to please his wife, whom he adored.

All of Harry’s sisters had married well, finding love and even partnership. In some ways, that contributed to Harry’s reluctance to wed. He wouldn’t settle for less than that. Of course, his family would argue that he never gave anyone a chance to see if such a union was even possible. But maybe that would change. His gaze fell on Selina.

Her golden-brown hair was styled impeccably, with saucy curls framing her face. The elegant line of her jaw and high cheekbones seemed even more pronounced tonight, setting her apart from every other woman he’d known. Dressed in a light-blue evening gown trimmed in black with a silvery gauze overskirt, she looked almost ethereal, like something from a dream that he couldn’t actually touch. But he could touch her. He had touched her. And he intended to touch her again.

Harry moved to offer her and Miss Whitford his arms. “May I escort you both inside?”

“Yes, please,” Miss Whitford answered, sliding her hand around his arm.

Selina didn’t respond, but her eyes met his, and he saw an intensity that must surely be a reflection of what he was feeling. And what was that? Anticipation. Excitement. Desire.

They entered through the wide gate and followed the path to the main area were people milled about. The newly constructed supper boxes were on the left side and stood two stories. On the opposite side of the large open cobbled space was the covered orchestra. Music filled the air, and the dance floor—a clearly marked space near the orchestra—was more than half full.

Gaslights illuminated the entire area, but a handful of pathways led away from the main space into the gardens. Nathaniel instantly saw someone he knew and struck up a conversation. After exchanging pleasantries and introducing everyone, Rachel turned her attention to Miss Whitford. “Shall we investigate the refreshment area?” She tossed a glance toward Harry and then to Selina, making her intention clear. She had one goal this evening: to further the connection between Harry and Selina.

For once, Harry couldn’t fault her. He wanted the same thing, though not the same end result Rachel probably hoped for.

Miss Whitford’s face lit with enthusiasm. “Yes, let’s.” She linked arms with Rachel, and they left.

Harry turned his head to Selina. “Shall we promenade?”

“That seems to be what everyone wants.” She flashed him a smile. “More importantly, however, where are you to meet your informer?”

“I’m not entirely sure. He said to meet him at the bridge at nine o’clock.” Harry checked his pocket watch. “Let us find that.”

He asked a footman for directions, and they took the indicated path past ponds fed by the spring. The lighting was less here, providing a darker, seductive atmosphere.

“I apologize for my sister’s managing behavior,” he said. “As you know by now, it is my family’s fondest wish that I wed.”

“It’s quite nice that you have a family

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