A Secret Surrender - Darcy Burke Page 0,15

going off with them?”

“Not at all. Your sister will be fine. Tell me, does she have any tendencies toward independence or provocation?”

“Many.” Her eyes glinted with amusement.

“Then they’ll all get along quite famously.”

Lady Gresham laughed softly. “I won’t worry, then, while we’re in the garden.” Her gaze shot to his, and she seemed suddenly hesitant. “That is, if you wish to go.”

“I would be honored to escort you.” He presented his arm and was surprised to find he wasn’t lying, which he would almost assuredly have been with anyone else.

She put her hand on his sleeve, and he escorted her through the growing throng in the drawing room to the doors that led to the terrace. From there, they descended to the garden, which was larger than one might have expected, owing to the larger width of the house.

“What a splendid garden,” she said as they walked toward the path that snaked between the beds of flowers and shrubbery as well as his father’s odd collection of statuary. “Is that a giant rabbit?”

“Yes. My father likes animals, and he commissioned a sculptor to design statues for the garden. Some of them are much larger than he anticipated—all of them, actually—but he ended up liking them. In addition, he didn’t want to hurt the sculptor’s feelings.”

Lady Gresham lifted her hand to her mouth, but a giggle escaped nonetheless.

“You find that amusing?”

“And endearing. Your father sounds rather wonderful.”

“He is likely better than most. What is your father like?”

Her expression, alight with humor a moment before, closed up like a flower retreating for the night. “He died so long ago that I don’t remember him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He was eager to learn more but wouldn’t ask. What the devil was going on with him? He’d never taken an interest in a woman like this before. And she was a lady, definitely not the sort of woman he wanted to attach himself to.

Now he was thinking about attachment? Get a grip, Harry.

Yet, perhaps because she was a widow, she had no apparent interest in attachment. Maybe that was why he was intrigued. Yes, that was it. He’d simply never met anyone like her.

She cast him an uncertain glance. “I hope you don’t think I’m too forward, but I wanted to ask you about your investigations.”

He was grateful for the change in topic to distract his ridiculous thoughts. “Not at all. I’m happy to discuss my work, provided it doesn’t interfere with an investigation. What do you want to know?”

“I couldn’t help thinking about this Vicar you mentioned the other day. He sounds perfectly horrid. Do you think you’ll ever find and arrest him?”

They rounded a corner, and Harry paused. A hedge partially obscured them from the house, and they stood in the shadows with just a hint of light finding its way to her eyes, firing them a brilliant blue.

“I hope so. In addition to arson, he’s likely guilty of usury at least, given his practice of lending money at exorbitant rates. I suspect he also probably owns receiver shops and maybe even flash houses. We’ll find him—and evidence of his crimes.”

“I wonder if he would lend to a woman,” she asked, cocking her head to the side. “Then I could help you catch him.”

Harry stared at her. “You would do that?”

She lifted a shoulder. “Why not?”

“Because he’s dangerous.”

“Would it surprise you to know that I carry a pistol, Mr. Sheffield?” The corner of her mouth ticked up.

He laughed. “No, actually.” Yes, he quite liked Lady Gresham. Why couldn’t she just be plain old Mrs. Gresham? And without a sister she was trying to launch into Society? “I assume you know how to shoot it?”

“Quite well, in fact. My brother taught me years ago.”

“Remarkable. I’d like to see that some time. Mayhap you’re better than me.”

She flashed a smile that lit her face to glorious effect. “Given your profession, I would doubt that.”

A thought suddenly occurred to him. No, he couldn’t ask her. And yet, she’d offered to help him. “While I don’t think it would be wise for you to help with the Vicar, there is a way you could help me. If you’re sure you want to.”

“I think I do.” She sounded almost as surprised as he’d been by her offer. “What would this assistance entail?”

“Nothing dangerous, I assure you. In fact, you could leave your pistol at home.”

Her gorgeous eyes twinkled, and he was suddenly quite aware of her hand on his arm. “Never.”

His gaze dipped to her reticule.

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