The Secret Seaside Escape - Heidi Swain Page 0,105

why you’re so angry?’ I asked. ‘Because we’re still the hot goss?’

‘Of course not,’ he snapped. ‘I’m angry because you buggered off yesterday without a by your leave and no one knew where you were. In case you hadn’t noticed, there was one hell of a storm raging last night and for all we knew, you were out in it.’

‘Well, in that case,’ I told him, ‘I’m sorry, but Hope knew where I was. She knew days ago where I was going to be yesterday. Why didn’t you ask her?’

He shifted from one foot to the other.

‘Because we aren’t talking at the moment.’

‘But she still would have told you,’ I insisted. ‘She wouldn’t have let you worry unnecessarily.’

I hoped the pair of them hadn’t fallen out because Hope had somehow found out about The Kiss.

‘Well, whatever,’ he said, running a hand through his hair. ‘At least I’ve found you now. Why you don’t buy another bloody phone to use while you’re here is beyond me. Hope told me ages ago that you aren’t using your usual one right now, so why not just get a cheap temporary thing so folk can get hold of you.’

‘Funnily enough,’ I said, ‘someone else suggested the very same thing less than an hour ago.’

We were quiet for a second. Sam focused on the view beyond the window and I re-tied the belt on my dressing gown which had come a little adrift.

‘Do you want a coffee?’ I offered. ‘I was just about to make one.’

I didn’t much feel like taking a nap now and I was keen to find out, as we were alone and out of earshot of everyone else, if he might broach the topic of our moment on the beach.

‘Just a quick one then,’ he said, checking his watch. ‘I’ll need to be back in time for the lunch rush.’

I was surprised but pleased that he accepted my offer and that there was a lunch service to rush back for. It was a stark contrast to when I had first arrived and there had been empty tables as far as the eye could see.

‘Where were you then?’ he asked, as I filled the kettle and arranged mugs and he made himself comfortable on the sofa. ‘Not that it’s any of my business,’ he carried on, ‘but as your car hadn’t moved, we were worried that you’d gone somewhere on foot.’

On this evidence, I couldn’t deny that his and everyone else’s concerns were justified. I was touched that they had noticed and that they cared.

‘I was at Home Farm,’ I told him, thinking nothing would be gained from lying, especially when he and Hope were bound to kiss and make up and she would probably tell him anyway. ‘Joe invited me to take a tour of the place yesterday and then to stay for dinner. When the storm blew in, we decided it would be too risky to try and drive back.’

I was just about to add that I’d dossed down on the sofa, but a noise from the other room caught my attention and I looked through to find Sam standing back up again.

‘On second thoughts,’ he said, as he reached the door in two quick strides and offered me a smile that didn’t reach as far as his eyes. ‘Don’t worry about that coffee, Tess. I’ve just remembered I’ve got a delivery booked. I’d better head back after all.’

Chapter 24

I went up to bed after Sam left, but I couldn’t sleep and found myself reaching for Mum’s diary again. It was hardly a soothing bedside read, but it was a distraction and with the memory of that kiss coupled with conflicting thoughts about Joe’s deal with Sunny Shores running through my mind, I certainly needed one. And talking of the one . . .

The last line Mum had typed, ‘she’s the one,’ really broke my heart. The first few entries had suggested the early affairs Dad indulged in were frivolous interludes, but the later ones came across differently and towards the end, Mum was aware that there was one person in particular who meant more to her husband than she did. I was deeply saddened by that and found myself wishing that the pair had parted and moved on with their lives instead of sticking it out in a loveless marriage and, in Mum’s case, never discovering what was possible beyond it.

I kept a low profile for the next couple of days, trying to decide what I should do with Copyright 2016 - 2024