Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,69

When Meg had heard Ed’s account, she realized that while it was true that she hadn’t given Cole’s name, his story hadn’t been hers to tell. “I promised I wouldn’t say anything to anyone about your reading difficulties. Even though I didn’t give my dad your name, and I asked him for help only with the best of intentions, I broke that promise. I hope you can forgive me.”

“I can,” Cole said. “And I do.”

Their gazes locked and a moment of understanding passed between them. Healing, cleansing in its intensity.

Meg took a sip of soda and realized she felt better. His absolution had lifted a burden from her shoulders she hadn’t known she was carrying.

Cole cleared his throat. “If I had to do it over—” He paused as if reconsidering. “No, I can’t honestly say that I’d never have become involved with Janae, because that would mean Charlie wouldn’t be here.”

“The thought of you two making love—” Meg gave a little shudder. “It’s very difficult to accept.”

“Janae and I had sex. You and I make love. Very different.” Cole’s tone gentled. “But Janae was right. It’s wrong to have sex with one person when you’re in love with someone else.”

“Janae loved Ty.”

“And I loved you.” Cole studied her face then smiled. “Don’t look so surprised. Janae came to realize that she loved Ty and I realized I’d never stopped loving you. I wouldn’t be surprised if she set up the will so she could do a little otherworldly matchmaking.”

“But she knew how much you’d hurt me.” Meg fought the sting of betrayal. “I don’t understand how she could have had a friendship with you, much less slept with you.”

“Janae and I grew up together. We were both lonely. That’s all I know.” Cole reached over as if to take her hand but seemed to think twice and sat back. “I don’t want to talk about her tonight. I want to talk about us.”

Meg traced an imaginary figure eight on the tablecloth with her finger. “What more is there to say?”

“Well, for starters, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that Charlie might be my son,” Cole said, and when Meg looked up she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “I am sorry, you know. Very sorry.”

“You didn’t tell me because you were planning to take him away from me,” Meg said.

“That is something else we need to clear up.” Cole took one of her hands in his, relieved when she didn’t try to pull away. “I set up that plan with my attorney early on when I thought I couldn’t trust you. But my feelings changed and I saw things more clearly. You are Charlie’s mother now. I would never take him from you. I should have told Brian I’d changed my mind, but I was so excited about where our relationship was headed that—”

“Our relationship?”

Cole smiled. “Give me a second.”

He left the table for a few minutes then returned with a small box wrapped in shiny silver paper with a fat white bow on top.

“Merry Christmas,” Cole said, placing it in front of her.

“I can’t accept—”

“Please,” he said. “Just open it.”

Meg picked up the box. She’d carefully removed the bow and set it off to the side, when a thought struck her. “Since we’re clearing everything up tonight, I have a couple of questions for you.”

He glanced at the still-wrapped gift. She could almost see him rein in his impatience. “Sure. Ask away.”

“Did you by any chance have something to do with Travis calling me and asking Charlie to spend the night?”

Cole nodded. “It was my idea.”

“And Zac?” Meg asked. “He called me today and asked me to tell you thank-you.”

“Your brother and I talked the other day,” Cole said. “But actually he helped me more than I helped him.”

“Good guy,” Meg murmured, recalling that’s how Zac had described Cole.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Her curiosity satisfied, Meg returned her attention to the gift. She tore off the paper, lifted the lid and found a shiny silver heart, the size of a big paperweight, inside. “It’s beautiful.”

“Open it,” Cole urged.

Meg lifted the top off the heart then cocked her head. “Shredded paper?”

“That’s the petition for sole custody,” Cole said. “A petition that will never be filed.”

“Well, thank you for that,” Meg said, feeling disappointed but not knowing why. Oh, heck, who was she kidding? She’d found herself hoping that she and Cole might get a real second chance. “The heart is lovely.”

“That’s not all,” he said. “There’s something in the Copyright 2016 - 2024