Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,62

that’s why, when Ryan had stopped over, he’d jumped at the chance to ride back into Jackson with him. Unless he really was going “stir-crazy” like he’d said.

Or he might simply want to pick up more supplies to use in working with Charlie.

Meg pressed her lips together, her heart hardening at the thought of Ed and his lies. All she could hope was that experience would be a lesson to her and Cole to always keep the lines of communication open.

She quickly finished her dusting then returned to the living room, where Charlie had Lincoln Logs scattered from one side of the large room to the other. But instead of happily playing with them as he’d been only minutes before, he lay on the sofa, fast asleep.

Meg crossed the room and covered him with a cotton throw, brushing a kiss on his cheek. “I love you, Charlie.”


Even though it had been less than a month, Meg realized she’d fallen in love with the little boy…and with his new daddy.

Of course, she had a sneaking hunch she’d never quite fallen out of love with Cole Lassiter.

“I love you, Cole,” she murmured to herself, the words feeling right and true on her tongue.

Did he return that love? If her intuition was on target, he did. The look in his eyes when his gaze settled on her, the gentleness and passion in his touch all spoke to deep feelings.

When she’d mentioned last night in passing that the only open jobs for a physical therapist in Jackson Hole were part-time, he’d encouraged her to apply, saying those hours would work perfectly. Between the two of them they could be there before and after school for Charlie.

While she didn’t want to presume too much, he knew as well as she did how expensive rent was in Jackson Hole. She could never afford to do it on a part-time salary…unless she continued to live with him.

The yearning that rose inside her both scared and thrilled her. Thrilled her because she couldn’t imagine being anywhere but by his side. Scared because she loved him and had been hurt by him before.

Still, her worries were buoyed by the knowledge that she now knew the truth about what had happened all those years ago. All the secrets were out and there should be nothing preventing them from moving on.

Meg had just finished putting the last Lincoln Log into its canister when she heard a familiar ringtone coming from the kitchen.

Although she knew she was being foolish, fear sent her heart into overdrive. By the time she scooped up the phone, she was out of breath as if she’d run a long race instead of simply gone from one room into another.

When Cole had left this morning, she’d resisted the urge to tell him not to go. The roads were snow-packed and icy. Meg knew how treacherous these mountain roads could be....

“Hello,” she said, her heart pounding in her ears.

Static filled the air for several seconds before she heard a man’s voice.

“Cole, this is Brian. We’ve got a lousy connection. Can you hear me?”

“Yes,” Meg said. “But this isn’t—”

“I received the results of the DNA testing on you and Charlie this morning,” Brian continued. “I thought you’d want to know right away.”

DNA testing? What was the man talking about?

“It’s as you suspected all along. Charlie is your son, so that is indeed good news.” Brian’s tone, which had been friendly, suddenly became more businesslike. “I have the papers ready to file for sole custody. I’ll email those for you to sign along with the papers from the lab.”

More static filled the line.

“I’ll be back in touch soon,” Brian said before the line went dead.

Meg stood completely still for the longest time, her—er—Cole’s phone in her hand, processing what she’d heard.

Cole was Charlie’s father, not Ty. How could that be? Janae and Ty had been a couple for almost ten years.

Had Cole donated his sperm to help Janae conceive? But if that were the case, wouldn’t Cole have already known he was Charlie’s biological father? Why would both Cole and Janae have kept that fact a secret from her?


No. Meg shoved from her mind the image of Janae and Cole with naked limbs entwined.

There had to be a logical explanation for all this. She couldn’t wait for Cole to get home so she could find out what it was....

His good day had taken a nosedive. Cole realized something was wrong the second Meg met him at the door and he saw Copyright 2016 - 2024